Setup the JBoss agent transaction tracking or diagnostics data collector

If you want to use the transaction tracking or diagnostics capability of the JBoss agent, you need to make some changes to the agent instance environment settings file, the JBoss server startup file, and the DC Runtime Directory agent configuration parameter. A script is provided to help you make the changes.

Before you begin

LinuxEnsure that the resource limit for open files is greater than 5,000 for the transaction tracking or diagnostics toolkit to work properly.
  • Display the current open file limit setting. ulimit -n
  • Example setting the open file limit to 5,056. ulimit -n 5056

Perform Configuring the JBoss agent Step 1 or 2 before you follow this procedure.

The JBoss agent must be installed locally to the JBoss server that is monitored with the transaction tracking or diagnostics capability.

The user account that runs this script must have write permission to the following directories and files:
  1. The JBOSS_HOME directory.
  2. The JBOSS_HOME/bin directory and files.
  3. The JBOSS_HOME/modules/system/layers/base/org/jboss/as/server/main/module.xml file.
  4. The install_dir/config directory.
  5. The install_dir/config/hostname_je_instance_name.cfg file.
JBoss server installation directory.
Path where the agent is installed. The default path is:
  • Linux/opt/ibm/apm/agent
  • WindowsC:\IBM\APM\TMAITM6_x64
The name of the host computer where the agent is installed.
Name of the agent instance that is assigned in the agent configuration method topic:
  • Configuring the agent on Windows systems, step 3
  • Configuring the agent by responding to prompts, step 1
  • Configuring the agent by using the silent response file, step 3


Run the simpleConfig script.

  1. Log in to the JBoss server with the JBoss agent installed.
  2. Change directory to the agent installation directory.
    • Linuxinstall_dir
    • Windowsinstall_dir\TMAITM6_x64

    where install_dir is the path where the agent is installed.

    The default install_dir paths are listed here:
    • Linux/opt/ibm/apm/agent
    • WindowsC:\IBM\APM\TMAITM6_x64
  3. Change directory to jedchome/
  4. Run the setup script.
    • Linux./
    • WindowssimpleConfig.bat
    Note: The setup script is not working for JBoss servers in domain mode. To enable the transaction tracking or diagnostics capability for JBoss servers in domain mode, you must configure JBoss agents as in the Configuring JBoss agent in domain mode topic and then enable the transaction tracking or diagnostics capability by following the steps in the JBoss TT and DD configuration in domain mode document. To get this document, contact with IBM support team.
  5. Follow the prompts to enter parameters for your environment:
    1. Enter the JBoss agent instance_name chosen for the agent instance.
    2. Enter the JBoss server installation directory.
      If the JBOSS_HOME environment variable is set, its value will be offered as the default value.
    The JBoss server installation directory.
    The name of the agent instance that is assigned in the agent configuration method topic:
    • Configuring the agent on Windows systems, step 3
    • Configuring the agent by responding to prompts, step 1
    • Configuring the agent by using the silent response file, step 3
    The path where the agent is installed. The default path is:
    • Linux/opt/ibm/apm/agent
    • WindowsC:\IBM\APM\TMAITM6_x64
  6. Restart the JBoss server and the agent if they are running.


JBoss server files that are changed during transaction tracking or diagnostics configuration:
  • JBOSS_HOME/bin/standalone.conf

    This file is updated with configuration settings required for the transaction tracking or diagnostics capability. Configuration markers are inserted into the file for use when you disable the transaction tracking or diagnostics capability. A backup file is saved in the JBOSS_HOME/bak directory prior to adding or removing the transaction tracking or diagnostics capability changes.

  • JBOSS_HOME/modules/system/layers/base/org/jboss/as/server/main/module.xml

    This file is updated with a JAVA EE API module dependency. Configuration markers are inserted into the file for use when you disable the transaction tracking or diagnostics capability. A backup file is saved in the JBOSS_HOME/bak directory prior to adding or removing the transaction tracking or diagnostics capability changes.

Agent files that are changed during transaction tracking or diagnostics configuration:
  • Agent instance configuration file
    • Linuxinstall_dir/config/hostname_je_instance_name.cfg
    • Windowsinstall_dir\TMAITM6_x64\hostname_JE_instance_name.cfg
  • Agent environment settings file
    • Linuxinstall_dir/config/je_instance_name.environment
    • Windowsinstall_dir\TMAITM6_x64\KJEENV_instance_name
JBoss server installation directory.
Path where the agent is installed. The default path is:
  • Linux/opt/ibm/apm/agent
  • WindowsC:\IBM\APM\TMAITM6_x64
The name of the host computer where the agent is installed.
Name of the agent instance that is assigned in the agent configuration method topic:
  • Configuring the agent on Windows systems, step 3
  • Configuring the agent by responding to prompts, step 1
  • Configuring the agent by using the silent response file, step 3
Note: If the JBoss agent is re-configured after JBoss agent transaction tracking or diagnostics was configured, the agent environment settings file will be overwritten by the JBoss agent reconfiguration. You need to run the steps in the Procedure section again to configure the JBoss agent transaction tracking or diagnostics data collector. Or else, you might see no transaction tracking data in the Application Performance Dashboard, and the default 5457 port is not listening.