Automated production

Production jobs provide the ability to run IBM® SPSS® Statistics in an automated fashion. The program runs unattended and terminates after executing the last command, so you can perform other tasks while it runs or schedule the production job to run automatically at scheduled times. Production jobs are useful if you often run the same set of time-consuming analyses, such as weekly reports.

You can run production jobs in two different ways:

Interactively. The program runs unattended in a separate session on either your local computer or a remote server. Your local computer must remain on (and connected to the remote server, if applicable) until the job is complete.

In the background on a server. The program runs in a separate session on a remote server. Your local computer does not have to remain on and does not have to remain connected to the remote server. You can disconnect and retrieve the results later.

Note: Running a production job on a remote server requires access to a server that is running IBM SPSS Statistics Server.

This example uses interactive mode to run a production job using your local computer. It uses the command syntax file automaton.sps. See the topic Sample Files for more information.
