SPLINE Keyword (PROXSCAL command)

SPLINE has the following keywords:

DEGREE. The degree of the polynomial. If DEGREE is not specified, the degree is assumed to be 2. The range of DEGREE is between 1 and 3 (inclusive).

INKNOT. The number of interior knots. If INKNOT is not specified, the number of interior knots is assumed to be 1. The range of INKNOT is between 0 and the number of different values of the variable.


PROXSCAL aunt TO uncle
  /RESTRICTIONS=VARIABLES(ivars.sav) degree generation gender
                          (ORDINAL ORDINAL NOMINAL).
  • In this example, there are three independent variables specified: degree, generation, and gender.
  • The variables are specified in the data file ivars.sav.
  • On both degree and generation, ordinal transformations are allowed. By default, tied values in ordinal variables are kept tied. Gender is allowed to be nominally transformed.