SYNTAX Keyword (INSERT command)

The optional SYNTAX keyword specifies the syntax rules that apply to the inserted file. The keyword is followed by an equals sign (=) and one of the following alternatives:

INTERACTIVE. Each command must end with a period. Periods can appear anywhere within the command, and commands can continue on multiple lines, but a period as the last non-blank character on a line is interpreted as the end of the command. Continuation lines and new commands can start anywhere on a new line. These are the "interactive" rules in effect when you select and run commands in a syntax window. This is the default if the SYNTAX keyword is omitted.

BATCH. Each command must start at the beginning of a new line (no blank spaces before the start of the command), and continuation lines must be indented at least one space. If you want to indent new commands, you can use a plus sign, dash, or period as the first character at the start of the line and then indent the actual command. The period at the end of the command is optional. This setting is compatible with the syntax rules for command files included with the INCLUDE command.

Command syntax created with the Paste button in dialogs will work in either interactive or batch modes. For more information on interactive and batch syntax rules, see Running Commands.