MIXED is available in the Advanced Statistics option.

The MIXED procedure fits a variety of mixed linear models. The mixed linear model expands the general linear model used in the GLM procedure in that the data are permitted to exhibit correlation and non-constant variability.

MIXED dependent varname [BY factor list] [WITH covariate list] 

[/CRITERIA = [CIN({95** })] [HCONVERGE({0**  } {ABSOLUTE**})
                  {value}              {value} {RELATIVE  }

             [LCONVERGE({0**  } {ABSOLUTE**})] [MXITER({100**})]
                        {value} {RELATIVE  }           {n    }

             [MXSTEP({10**})] [PCONVERGE({1E-6**},{ABSOLUTE**})] [SCORING({1**})]
                     {n  }              {value } {RELATIVE  }            {n  }

             [SINGULAR({1E-12**})] ]
                       {value  } 

[/EMMEANS = TABLES ({OVERALL          })]
                    {factor           }
                    {factor*factor ...}
            [WITH (covariate=value [covariate = value ...])
            [COMPARE [({factor})] [REFCAT({value})] [ADJ({LSD**     })] ]
                                          {FIRST}        {BONFERRONI}
                                          {LAST }        {SIDAK     }

[/FIXED = [effect [effect ...]] [| [NOINT] [SSTYPE({1  })] ] ]

[/METHOD = {ML    }]

            {INCLUDE  }

                                                         (n  )
          [SOLUTION] [TESTCOV]]

[/RANDOM = effect [effect ...]
           [| [SUBJECT(varname[*varname[*...]])] [COVTYPE({VC**      })]]]

[/REGWGT = varname]

[/REPEATED = varname[*varname[*...]] | SUBJECT(varname[*varname[*...]])
             [COVTYPE({DIAG**    })]]

[/SAVE = [tempvar [(name)] [tempvar [(name)]] ...]

[/TEST[(valuelist)] = 
    ['label']  effect valuelist ... [| effect valuelist ...] [divisor=value]]
    [; effect valuelist ... [| effect valuelist ...] [divisor=value]]

[/TEST[(valuelist)] = ['label'] ALL list [| list] [divisor=value]]
                      [; ALL list [| list] [divisor=value]]

** Default if the subcommand is omitted.

covstruct can take the following values: AD1, AR1, ARH1, ARMA11, CS, CSH, CSR, DIAG, FA1, FAH1, HF, ID, TP, TPH, UN, UNR, VC.

This command reads the active dataset and causes execution of any pending commands. See the topic Command Order for more information.

Syntax for the MIXED command can be generated from the Linear Mixed Models dialog box.
