EMMEANS Subcommand (GLM: Repeated Measures command)

EMMEANS displays estimated marginal means of the dependent variables in the cells, adjusted for the effects of covariates at their overall means, for the specified factors. Note that these are predicted, not observed, means. The standard errors are also displayed. See the topic EMMEANS Subcommand (GLM: Univariate command) for more information.

  • For the TABLES and COMPARE keywords, valid options include the within-subjects factors specified in the WSFACTOR subcommand, crossings among them, and crossings among factors specified in the factor list and factors specified on the WSFACTOR subcommand.
  • All factors in a crossed-factors specification must be unique.
  • If a between- or within-subjects factor, or a crossing of between- or within-subjects factors, is specified on the TABLES keyword, then GLM will collapse over any other between- or within-subjects factors before computing the estimated marginal means for the dependent variables.