Multinomial Logistic Regression Save

The Save dialog box allows you to save variables to the working file and export model information to an external file.

Saved variables. The following variables can be saved:

  • Estimated response probabilities. These are the estimated probabilities of classifying a factor/covariate pattern into the response categories. There are as many estimated probabilities as there are categories of the response variable; up to 25 will be saved.
  • Predicted category. This is the response category with the largest expected probability for a factor/covariate pattern.
  • Predicted category probabilities. This is the maximum of the estimated response probabilities.
  • Actual category probability. This is the estimated probability of classifying a factor/covariate pattern into the observed category.

Export model information to XML file. Parameter estimates and (optionally) their covariances are exported to the specified file in XML (PMML) format. You can use this model file to apply the model information to other data files for scoring purposes. See the topic Scoring Wizard for more information.

How to Save Models

This feature requires the Regression option.

  1. From the menus choose:

    Analyze > Regression > Multinomial Logistic Regression...

  2. In the Multinomial Logistic Regression dialog box, click Save.
  3. Select the variables to be saved and/or name the file to which the model information should be saved.

Optionally, you can choose not to save the parameter covariance matrix.