INMR02 -- file utility control record

Each INMR02 record controls a data restoration step. In a given transmission, one or more processes represented by a corresponding number of INMR02 records are required. Utility operations currently supported are: INMCOPY, which converts sequential files to and from the TRANSMIT/RECEIVE format; IEBCOPY, which converts partitioned files to and from sequential files (called unloaded files); and AMSCIPHR, which invokes the Access Method Services REPRO command to encrypt and decrypt files.

If more than one INMR02 record is present, they appear in the order in which TRANSMIT processes them, which is the inverse of the order used by RECEIVE. The first record in the data stream represents the last utility operation to be performed by RECEIVE. The INMCOPY utility is always the last or the only utility invoked during a TRANSMIT operation, and as a result appears last in the file.

The text units that are in the INMR02 record describe the output of the utility operation. The input with which it must work is described by the previous INMR02-directed operation or by the INMR03 data description record.

If the transmission contains more than one file, one or more INMR02 records are required for each file in the transmission. The groups of INMR02 records are in the same order as the files in the transmission. The file number field identifies which of the multiple files in the transmission the control record applies.

The identifier for this record is ‘INMR02’ in bytes 2-7. Bytes 8-11 contain the number of the file in this transmission to which the control record applies. Multiple files in a single transmission are numbered sequentially starting at one. The text units begin in byte 12. Text units always present are:
File organization
Logical record length
Record format
Approximate size of file in bytes
Utility program name
Text units that can be present are:
File block size
Creation date
Number of directory blocks
File name
Expiration date
Filemode number
Last change date
Last reference date
Member name list
Mail file
User parameter string