BIND area format and DSECT

The ISTDBIND DSECT can be used to set up or examine a set of session parameters. The situations in which the DSECT might be useful are listed here. For further information about the individual macroinstructions, see Conventions and descriptions of VTAM macroinstructions. For a general discussion of DSECTs, see the introductory section of Control block formats and DSECTs. The format maps and DSECT descriptions for the BIND area are shown in Figure 1 through Table 7.

The term “fixed-length portion of BIND” refers to bytes 0–25 of a BIND area (only fixed-length fields). See Figure 1 for an example of the fixed-length fields of a BIND area. In general, the fields in BIND after the fixed-length portion are variable-length fields, so they cannot be examined by a DSECT. However, in some instances, the primary logical unit name field is padded by VTAM® to be a fixed-length (8-byte) field. In this case, the full ISTDBIND DSECT can be used.

The ISTDBIND DSECT can be used:
  • To examine the session parameters obtained by INQUIRE OPTCD=SESSPARM. The full ISTDBIND DSECT can be used.
  • To set up the session parameters (in the area pointed to by the NIB's BNDAREA field) sent by OPNDST in a BIND request, or sent by OPNSEC in a negotiable BIND response. The full ISTDBIND DSECT can be used.
  • To examine the session parameters pointed to by the fourth word of the SCIP exit routine parameter list when a BIND is received. The full ISTDBIND DSECT can be used.
  • To examine the BIND image portion of a CINIT request unit received in a LOGON exit routine. Only the fixed-length portion (bytes 0–25) of the BIND area can be examined with ISTDBIND. Note that this portion of CINIT can also be accessed by INQUIRE OPTCD=SESSPARM.
  • To examine bytes 1–26 of a BIND request received in an SCIP exit routine. Byte 0 of BIND is the BIND request code and is not included in ISTDBIND. The BIND request is pointed to by the AREA field of the SCIP exit routine read-only RPL.
  • To examine bytes 1–26 of a negotiable BIND response received in the AAREA field specified by OPNDST. Byte 0 of AAREA is the BIND request code and is not included in ISTDBIND.
Figure 1. Format of BNDAREA (ISTDBIND).
The diagram shows the format of BIND area, which contains the field information between displacements 0 and 36.

For BINPSCHR, see Table 4 Table 5, Table 6, and Table 7.

Note: The double outlined section is the fixed-length portion of BIND. The names in brackets are the operands of the MODEENT macro used to build the corresponding fields in a logon mode table entry (refer to the z/OS Communications Server: SNA Resource Definition Reference for information on the logon mode table.) The names in parentheses are the ISTDBIND DSECT labels for the field.

Although the PLU name can be 1-17 bytes in the BIND RU, the ISTDBIND DSECT requires it to be exactly 8 bytes. This causes the offset of the user data field to vary in the BIND RU but not in the BIND DSECT. The area provided by VTAM to the SCIP exit will have an 8 in the PLU name length field and the name may be padded with blanks or truncated, if necessary. VTAM requires the bind area to be in this format when it is supplied by the application on an OPNDST or OPNSEC macroinstruction. Also note that in the case of a BIND error, the offset contained in sense code 0835nnnn is adjusted, if necessary, when given to the application to parse the BIND DSECT.

Table 1. Session parameter fields: How they are made available and who can change them
ISTDBIND offset ISTDBIND field description Information available in SCIP exit session parameters (See note 10) Information available to INQUIRE OPTCD= SESSPARM (See note 3) Application program can specify in OPNDST or OPNSEC (in NIB BNDAREA) VTAM sets at OPNDST or OPNSEC (NIB BNDAREA information superseded)
BIND RU code (X'31')2 No No No Yes
0 BIND format and type Yes Yes No8 Yes8
1 FM profile Yes Yes Yes No
2 TS profile Yes Yes Yes No12
3 PLU protocols Yes Yes Yes No
4 SLU protocols Yes Yes Yes No
5–6 Common protocols Yes Yes Yes No16
7 SLU send pacing count Yes Yes No14 Yes
8 SLU receive pacing count Yes Yes No for OPNDST.14 Yes for OPNSEC.13 Yes for OPNDST. No for OPNSEC.12
9 SLU maximum send RU size-mantissa/ exponent Yes Yes Yes1 No
10 PLU maximum send RU size-mantissa/ exponent Yes Yes Yes1 No
11 PLU send pacing count Yes Yes No14 Yes
12 PLU receive pacing count Yes Yes Yes for OPNDST. No for OPNSEC.14 No for OPNDST.4 Yes for OPNSEC.
13–24 LU presentation services Yes Yes Yes No
25 Cryptographic control Yes6 Yes6 Yes9 Yes7 12
26 PLU name length Yes15 No No Yes
27–34 PLU name Yes15 No No Yes
35 User data length5 Yes Yes Yes No
36–n11 User data5 Yes Yes Yes No
  1. The RU size specified should be no larger than the size specified in the received CINIT or BIND RU.
  2. The BIND request unit code (X'31') is not included in the ISTDBIND DSECT.
  3. Certain information is available to an INQUIRE OPTCD=SESSPARM for a received CINIT RU which is not available for other types of INQUIREs for session parameters. This information is the BIND type and user data.
  4. The PLU receive pacing count is not overlaid unless the application program sets BINBPACE to zero in BNDAREA (meaning the application program wants the CINIT value to be used), or unless the value in CINIT for this field is 0 (meaning the SLU to PLU direction is not to be paced). The value specified should be no larger than in the associated received CINIT RU.
  5. The user data and user-data length have different meanings depending on when they are examined:
    • For INQUIRE OPTCD=SESSPARM for a received CINIT RU, they represent the user-data field specified in the original session-initiation request. For other types of INQUIRE, the length field is zero and there is no user data.
    • For OPNDST ACCEPT or ACQUIRE specifying a BNDAREA, they specify the user-data field to be sent in a BIND to the secondary logical unit. If BNDAREA is not specified, no user data is sent to the logical unit as part of BIND.
    • For an SCIP exit routine scheduled by the receipt of a BIND request, they specify the data received in that BIND request.
    • For OPNSEC sending a negotiable BIND response in a BNDAREA, you must specify the user data-length field (and user-data field if the length is not zero) when returning the BIND response to the PLU. If BNDAREA is not specified, no user data is sent to the logical unit.
  6. Note that the cryptographic length field in this byte is always set to 0. Some of the variable-length cryptographic information is available through use of INQUIRE OPTCD=SESSKEY.
  7. VTAM changes the session level cryptography part of this field (if possible) if a higher level of cryptography is required for session establishment.
  8. See NIB PROC option for NEGBIND to see how the application program can set the type field indirectly. The type field of BNDAREA is ignored by VTAM; the format field is tested for 0 by VTAM.
  9. See NIB ENCR parameter to see how the application program can set the session level cryptography part of this field indirectly; that part of the cryptographic-control field in BNDAREA is ignored by VTAM. The private-level-cryptography setting can be changed by the application program in BNDAREA and is not subsequently changed by VTAM.
  10. These are the session parameters pointed to by word 4 of the SCIP exit parameter list, not those in the BIND RU pointed to by the SCIP exit read-only RPL.
  11. The total BIND RU length (request or response) can be no larger than 256 bytes.
  12. This field is checked for valid values by VTAM. The macroinstruction fails if a value that is not valid is found.
  13. The application program can decrease this value, but cannot set it to 0 unless the field received in BIND is 0.
  14. VTAM determines the pacing value from either the definition statement for the LU or the logon mode table entry.
  15. Although the PLU name can be 1-17 bytes in the BIND RU, the ISTDBIND DSECT requires it to be exactly 8 bytes. This causes the offset of the user data field to vary in the BIND RU but not in the BIND DSECT. The area provided by VTAM to the SCIP exit will have an 8 in the PLU name length field and the name may be padded with blanks or truncated, if necessary. VTAM requires the bind area to be in this format when it is supplied by the application on an OPNDST or OPNSEC macroinstruction.
  16. VTAM sets byte 6 bit 6 (Control vectors included indicator) as needed and includes any control vectors appropriate for the session.
Field DSECT DS or ORG label DSECT EQU label Value Meaning Dec offset Hex offset
BIND Format and Type BINFMTY BINFMT X'F0' BIND format 0 0
    BINFMT0 X'00' Format 0 0 0
    BINTYPE X'0F' BIND type 0 0
    BINNEGO X'00' Negotiable 0 0
    BINONEGO X'01' Non-negotiable 0 0
    BINCOLD X'01' Non-negotiable 0 0
FM Profile BINFM BINFM19 X'13' FM Profile 19 1 1
TS Profile BINTS BINTS2 X'02' Sequence numbers and no reset state 2 2
    BINTS3 X'03' Sequence numbers and reset state 2 2
    BINTS4 X'04' Sequence numbers and reset state (STSN and RQR) 2 2
    BINTS7 X'07' Sequence numbers and no reset state 2 2
Primary LU Protocol BINPRIP BINPCHN X'80'
Bit on =
multiple request chains
Bit off =
only single request chain used
3 3
    BINPMCH X'40'
Bit on =
multiple outstanding chains; delayed request mode
Bit off =
single outstanding chains only; immediate request mode
3 3
    BINPCHNR X'30' Primary chain response protocol 3 3
    BINNYRSP X'30' Either definite or exception response 3 3
    BINDFRSP X'20' Definite response 3 3
    BINEXRSP X'10' Exception response 3 3
    BINNORSP X'00' No response 3 3
    BINNORSP X'00' No response 3 3
      X'0C' Reserved 3 3
    BINPCMP X'02'
Bit on =
compression can be used
Bit off =
compression must not be used
3 3
    BINPSEB X'01'
Bit on =
primary can send end bracket indicator
Bit off =
primary will not send end bracket indicator
3 3
Secondary LU Protocol BINSECP BINSCHN X'80'
Bit on =
multiple request chains
Bit off =
only single request chains used
4 4
    BINSMCH X'40'
Bit on =
multiple outstanding chains; delayed request mode
Bit off=
single outstanding chains only; immediate request mode
4 4
    BINSCHNR X'30' Secondary chain response protocol 4 4
    BINNYRSP X'30' Either definite or exception responses 4 4
    BINDFRSP X'20' Definite response 4 4
    BINEXRSP X'10' Exception response 4 4
      X'0C' Reserved 4 4
    BINSCMP X'02'
Bit on =
compression can be used
Bit off =
compression must not be used
4 4
    BINSSEB X'01'
Bit on =
secondary can send end bracket indicator
Bit off =
secondary will not send end bracket indicator
4 4
Common LU Protocol BINCMNP BINWBREQ X'80' Whole BIUs-required indicator
Bit on =
sending LU nodes does not support receipt of segments on this session
Bit off =
sending LU nodes supports receipt of segments on this session
5 5
    BINFMHD X'40'
Bit on =
function management headers can be used
Bit off =
function management headers must not be used
5 5
    BINBRAK X'20'
Bit on =
brackets are used and the reset state is between brackets
Bit off =
either brackets are not used or brackets are used and the reset state is in brackets
5 5
    BINBKTR X'10'
Bit on =
conditional bracket termination
(termination rule one)
Bit off =
unconditional bracket termination
(termination rule two)
5 5
    BINALT X'08'
Bit on =
alternate code can be used
Bit off =
alternate code must not be used
5 5
      X'06' Reserved 5 5
    BINQUE X'01' BIND queueing indicator
Bit on =
BIND sender allows the BIND receiver to queue the BIND for an indefinite period
Bit off =
BIND cannot be held/queued
5 5
  BINCMNP2 BINFMTRM X'C0' Send/Receive mode as follows: 6 6
    BINHDXFF X'80' Half-duplex flip-flop mode 6 6
    BINHDXC X'40' Half-duplex contention mode 6 6
    BINFLDPX X'00' Full-duplex mode 6 6
    BINRCVR X'20'
Bit on =
symmetric responsibility for recovery
Bit off =
contention loser is responsible for recovery
6 6
    BINBKFS X'10'
Bit on =
primary is first speaker in bracket mode and contention winner; secondary is brackets bidder and contention loser
Bit off =
secondary is first speaker in bracket mode and contention winner; primary is brackets bidder and contention loser
6 6
00 =
alternate code selection is ASCII 7
01 =
alternate code selection is ASCII 8
6 6
    BINCTLV X'02' Control vectors included after SLU name. 6 6
    BINCONR X'01'
Bit on =
for half-duplex flip-flop mode, primary sends first when the data traffic reset state is left
Bit off =
for half-duplex flip-flop mode, secondary sends first when the data traffic reset is left
6 6
Secondary LU Send Pacing Count BINAPACE :c :c Secondary logical unit send pacing. See Table 1 for availability. 7 7
    BINSP2ST X'80' Number of pacing stages from the secondary logical unit to the primary logical unit:
Bit on =
one stage
Bit off =
two stages
7 7
      X'40' Reserved 7 7
    BINAPACM X'3F' Secondary logical unit send pacing count 7 7
Secondary LU Receive Pacing Count BINRPACE     Secondary logical unit receive pacing. See Table 1 for availability. 8 8
    BINASPI X'80' Adaptive pacing 8 8
      X'40' Reserved 8 8
    BINRPACM X'3F' Secondary logical unit receive pacing count 8 8
Request Unit Sizes BINSRUSZ     Maximum size of the request unit that can be sent by the secondary logical unit 9 9
    BINSRUSS X'80' RU size is specified 9 9
    BINRU256 X'85' 256-byte request unit (8 x 2⁵) 9 9
    BINRU1K X'87' 1024-byte request unit (8 x 2⁷) 9 9
    BINRUSZM X'F0' Mantissa (M) mask 9 9
    BINRUSZE X'0F' Exponent (E) mask Size = M x 2E 9 9
  BINPRUSZ     Maximum size of the request unit that can be sent by the primary logical unit 10 A
    BINPRUSS X'80' RU size is specified 9 9
    BINRU256 X'85' 256-byte request unit (8 x 2⁵) 10 A
    BINRU1K X'87' 1024-byte request unit (8 x 2⁷) 10 A
    BINRUSZM X'F0' Mantissa (M) mask 10 A
    BINRUSZE X'0F' Exponent (E) mask Size = M x 2E 10 A
Primary LU Send Pacing Count BINSPACE     Primary logical unit send placing. See Table 1 for availability. 11 B
    BINPS1ST X'80' Number of pacing stages from the primary logical unit to the secondary logical unit:
Bit on =
one stage
Bit off =
two stages
11 B
      X'40' Reserved 11 B
    BINBPACM X'3F' Primary logical unit send pacing count 11 B
Primary LU Receive Pacing Count BINBPACE     Primary logical unit receive pacing. See Table 1 for availability. 12 C
      X'C0' Reserved 12 C
    BINBPACM X'3F' Primary logical unit receive pacing count. PS usage field format.
0 =
Basic format
1 =
12 C
Logical Unit Presentation Services Profile BINLUP BINPSFMT X'80' PS usage field format 13 D
    BINLUTYP X'7F' LU type 13 D
    BINLUP0C X'00' Logical unit profile 0 13 D
    BINLUP1C X'01' Logical unit profile 1 13 D
    BINLUP2C X'02' Logical unit profile 2 13 D
    BINLUP3C X'03' Logical unit profile 3 13 D
    BINLUP4C X'04' Logical unit profile 4 13 D
    BINLUP6C X'06' Logical unit profile 6 13 D
Logical Unit Presentation Services Usage BINPSCHR     Logical unit presentation services. See Table 4, Table 5, Table 6, and Table 7. 14 E
Crypto- graphic Control BINCRCTL     Cryptographic control byte 25 19
    BINNOCRY X'00' No cryptography 25 19
    BINCRYCA X'09' Capable of cryptography 25 19
    BINCRYSL X'19' Selective cryptography 25 19
    BINCRYRQ X'39' Required cryptography 25 19
    BINCEUMP X'C0' Private cryptography flags 25 19
    BINCEUPS X'80' System key, private protocol 25 19
    BINCEUPP X'40' Private key, private protocol 25 19
    BINCEUNP X'00' No private protocol 25 19
    BINCSESS X'30' Session level cryptography flags 25 19
    BINCSENP X'00' No cryptography 25 19
    BINCSESP X'10' Selective cryptography 25 19
    BINCSESR X'30' Required cryptography 25 19
    BINCLEN X'0F' Cryptographic field length mask 25 19
Primary LU Name Length BINPRIML     Primary logical unit name length 26 1A
Primary LU Name BINPRIMN     Primary logical unit name 27 1B
User-Data Length BINUSEL     User-data length 35 23
    BINUSERD X'00' User-data length default 35 23
User Data BINUSE     User data 36 24
  1. Refer to the z/OS Communications Server: SNA Programmer's LU 6.2 Guide for more information on the BNDAREA DSECT (ISTDBIND).
Table 3. BINPSCHR field of BNDAREA DSECT for logical unit profile 0
Field DSECT DS or ORG label DSECT EQU label Value Meaning Dec offset Hex offset
  BINDFLAG BINSEDS X'80' 3270 extended data stream 14 E
      X'7F' Reserved 14 E
        Reserved 15 F
        Reserved 16 10
        Reserved 17 11
        Reserved 18 12
  BINSCRSZ     Presentation space size (next 4 bytes) 19 13
  BINSPRIR     Default number of rows 19 13
  BINSPRIC     Default number of columns 20 14
  BINSALTR     Alternate number of rows 21 15
    BINSALTC   Alternate number of columns 22 16
Presentation Space Size BINPRESZ     Presentation space size 23 17
    BINPSZ0 X'00' Undefined row and column format 23 17
    BINPSZ1 X'01' 12 rows 40 columns format 23 17
    BINPSZ2 X'02' 24 rows 80 columns format 23 17
    BINPSZ3 X'03' 24 rows 80 columns default. The alternate presentation space is specified in the Query Reply structured field. 23 17
    BINPSFX X'7E' Presentation space is a fixed size as defined by default values 23 17
    BINPSZRC X'7F' Presentation space has both default and alternate sizes as defined in the DEFAULT and ALTERNATE fields 23 17
Device Type     X'C0' Device Type:
00 =
unspecified device type
01 =
printer device
10 =
display device
11 =
24 18
      X'3C' Reserved 24 18
    BINCMP1 BINCMP2 X'02' X'01'
BIND Request:
00 =
no compression
01 =
compression bid
10 =
11 =
compression required
BIND Response:
00 =
01 =
10 =
compression used
11 =
24 18
Table 4. BINPSCHR field of BNDAREA DSECT for logical unit profile 1
Field DSECT DS or ORG label DSECT EQU label Value Meaning Dec offset Hex offset
FM Header Subset and Data Stream Profile BINLUP1 BINFMHS1 X'F0' Function management header subset 14 E
    BINFMS3C X'30' FM header subset 3 used–Data management subset 14 E
    BINFMS2C X'20' FM header subset 2 used–Type 1 headers 14 E
    BINFMS1C X'10' FM header subset 1 used–Type 1 headers with restrictions 14 E
    BINFMS0C X'00' FM header subset 0 used–No function management headers allowed 14 E
    BINDSP1 X'0F' Data stream profile 14 E
    BINDSP1C X'01' Basic controls, cards can span RUs (data stream subset 1) 14 E
    BINDSP0C X'00' Basic controls (data stream subset 0) 14 E
Primary Logical Unit FM Header Subset Flags BINPFMB1 BINDESTS X'80'
Bit on =
three destinations might be outstanding
Bit off =
two destinations might be outstanding
15 F
    BINCMPCT X'40'
Bit on =
can send compaction table/can be queried for compaction tables
Bit off =
will not send compaction table/will not be queried for compaction tables
15 F
    BINPDIR X'20'
Bit on =
PDIR can be sent
Bit off =
PDIR will not be sent
15 F
      X'1F' Reserved 15 F
    BINKDDSI X'10'
Bit on =
keyed direct data sets can be sent
Bit off =
keyed direct data sets will not be sent
15 F
    BINSDSI X'08'
Bit on =
sequential data sets can be sent
Bit off =
sequential data sets will not be sent
15 F
    BINSAI X'04'
Bit on =
sequential access to addressed direct data sets can be sent
Bit off =
sequential access to addressed direct data sets will not be sent
15 F
    BINSIDS X'02'
Bit on =
series IDs (with status in reply) are supported
Bit off =
series IDs are not supported
15 F
    BINARRR X'01'
Bit on =
Add Replicate, Replace Replicate are supported
Bit off =
Add Replicate, Replace Replicate are not supported
15 F
    BINPFMB2 X'80' Reserved 16 10
    BINQDSI X'40'
Bit on =
query for destination selection is supported
Bit off =
query for destination selection is not supported
16 10
    BINCSDS X'20'
Bit on =
CREATE, SCRATCH, and SCRATCH ALL are permitted
Bit off =
CREATE, SCRATCH, and SCRATCH ALL are not permitted
16 10
    BINXFPD X'10'
Bit on =
Execute Program Offline is permitted
Bit off =
Execute Program Offline is not permitted
16 10
      X'0F' Reserved 17 10
Primary Logical Unit Data Stream Flags BINPDSB1 BININTR X'80'
Bit on =
full base set data stream (BS, CR, LF, ENP, INP HT, VT) can be sent
Bit off =
full base set data stream will not be sent
17 11
    BINHFDS X'40'
Bit on =
horizontal format data stream (SHF) can be sent
Bit off =
horizontal format data stream will not be sent
17 11
    BINVTDS X'20'
Bit on =
vertical format data stream (SVF) can be sent
Bit off =
vertical format data stream will not be sent
17 11
    BINVSDS X'10'
Bit on =
vertical channel (includes vertical format and vertical channel select (VCS) with parameters) can be sent
BIN off =
vertical channel will not be sent
17 11
    BINSLD X'08'
Bit on =
SLD can be sent
Bit off =
SLD will not be sent
17 11
      X'06' Reserved 17 11
    BINTRNDS X'01'
Bit on =
transparency data stream (TRN, IRS) can be sent
Bit off =
transparency data stream will not be sent
17 11
Bit on =
secondary logical unit will initiate unattended
Bit off =
secondary logical unit will initiate attended
18 12
    BINUAALT X'40'
Bit on =
in session, the secondary logical unit will alternate between attended and unattended
Bit off =
in session, secondary logical unit will not alternate between attended and unattended
18 12
      X'3F' Reserved 18 12
Primary Logical Unit Media Flags BINPMED1 BINDOCMT X'80'
Bit on =
document format can be sent
Bit off =
document format will not be sent
19 13
    BINCARD X'40'
Bit on =
card format can be sent
Bit off =
card format will not be sent
19 13
    BINXCHNG X'20'
Bit on =
exchange media can be sent
Bit off =
exchange media will not be sent
19 13
    BINDISK X'10'
Bit on =
disk data management can be sent
Bit off =
disk data management will not be sent
19 13
    BINXCDF X'08'
Bit on =
extended card format can be sent
Bit off =
extended card format will not be sent
19 13
    BINXDOCF X'04'
Bit on =
extended document format can be sent
Bit off =
extended document format will not be sent
19 13
    BINCDEDS X'02'
Bit on =
secondary logical unit must send Change Direction every EDS
Bit off =
secondary logical unit can send Change Direction every EDS
19 13
      X'01' Reserved 19 13
Secondary Logical Unit FM Header Subset Flags BINSFMB1 BINDESTS X'80'
Bit on =
three destinations might be outstanding
Bit off =
two destinations might be outstanding
20 14
    BINCMPCT X'40'
Bit on =
can send compaction table/can be queried for compaction tables
Bit off =
will not send compaction table/will not be queried for compaction tables
20 14
    BINPDIR X'20'
Bit on =
PDIR can be sent
Bit off =
PDIR will not be sent
20 14
    BINKDDSI X'10'
Bit on =
keyed direct data sets can be sent
Bit off =
keyed direct data sets will not be sent
20 14
    BINSDSI X'08'
Bit on =
sequential data sets can be sent
Bit off =
sequential data sets will not be sent
20 14
    BINSAI X'04'
Bit on =
sequential access to addressed direct data set can be sent
Bit off =
these data sets will not be sent
20 14
    BINSIDS X'02'
Bit on =
series IDs (with status in reply) are supported
Bit off =
series IDs are not supported
20 14
    BINARRR X'01'
Bit on =
Add Replicate, Replace Replicate are supported
Bit off =
these are not supported
20 14
  BINSFMB2   X'80' Reserved 21 15
    BINQDSI X'40'
Bit on =
query for destination selection is supported
Bit off =
query for destination selection is not supported
21 15
    BINCSDS X'20'
Bit on =
CREATE, SCRATCH, and SCRATCH ALL are permitted
Bit off =
these are not permitted
21 15
    BINXFPD X'10'
Bit on =
Execute Program Offline is permitted
Bit off =
Execute Program Offline is not permitted
21 15
      X'0F' Reserved 21 15
Secondary Logical Unit Data Stream Flags BINSDSB1 BININTR X'80'
Bit on =
full base set data stream (BS, CR, LF, ENP, INP, HT, VT) can be sent
Bit off =
full base set data stream will not be sent
22 16
    BINHFDS X'40'
Bit on =
horizontal format data stream (SHF) can be sent
Bit off =
horizontal format data stream will not be sent
22 16
    BINVTDS X'20'
Bit on =
vertical format data stream (SVF) can be sent
Bit off =
vertical format data stream will not be sent
22 16
    BINVSDS X'10'
Bit on =
vertical channel (includes vertical format and vertical channel select (VCS) with parameters) can be sent
Bit off =
vertical channel will not be sent
22 16
    BINSLD X'08'
Bit on =
SLD can be sent
Bit off =
SLD will not be sent
22 16
      X'06' Reserved 22 16
    BINTRNDS X'01'
Bit on =
transparency data stream (TRN, IRS) can be used
Bit off =
transparency data stream will not be sent
22 16
  BINSDSB2   X Reserved 23 17
Secondary Logical Unit Media Flags BINSMED1 BINDOCMT X'80'
Bit on =
document format can be sent
Bit off =
document format will not be sent
24 18
    BINCARD X'40'
Bit on =
card format can be sent
Bit off =
card format will not be sent
24 18
    BINXCHNG X'20'
Bit on =
exchange media can be sent
Bit off =
exchange media will not be sent
24 18
    BINDISK X'10'
Bit on =
disk data management can be sent
Bit off =
disk data management will not be sent
24 18
    BINXCDF X'08'
Bit on =
extended card format can be sent
Bit off =
extended card format will not be sent
24 18
    BINXDOCF X'04'
Bit on =
extended document format can be sent
Bit off =
extended document format will not be sent
24 18
    BINCMP1 BINCMP2 X'02' X'01'
BIND Request:
00 =
no compression
01 =
compression bid
10 =
11 =
compression required
BIND Response:
10 =
compression used
xx =
24 18
Table 5. BINPSCHR field of BNDAREA DSECT for logical unit profile 2
Field DSECT DS or ORG label DSECT EQU label Value Meaning Dec offset Hex offset
  BINDFLAG BINSEDS X'80' 3270 extended data stream 14 E
      X'7F' Reserved 14 E
        Reserved 15 F
        Reserved 16 10
        Reserved 17 11
        Reserved 18 12
  BINSCRSZ     Presentation space size (next 4 bytes) 19 13
  BINSPRIR     Default number of rows 19 13
  BINSPRIC     Default number of columns 20 14
  BINSALTR     Alternate number of rows 21 15
  BINSALTC     Alternate number of columns 22 16
Presentation Space Size BINPRESZ     Presentation space size 23 17
    BINPSZO X'00' Undefined row and column format 23 17
    BINPSZ1 X'01' 12 rows 40 columns format 23 17
    BINPSZ2 X'02' 24 rows 80 columns format 23 17
    BINPSZ3 X'03' 24 rows 80 columns default to undefined alternate. Do not write structural field query to identify alternate. 23 17
    BINPSFX X'7E' Presentation space is a fixed size as defined by default values 23 17
    BINPSZRC X'7F' Presentation space has both default and alternate sizes as defined in the DEFAULT and ALTERNATE fields 23 17
      X'FC' Reserved 24 18
    BINCMP1 BINCMP2 X'02' X'01'
BIND Request:
00 =
no compression
01 =
compression bid
10 =
11 =
compression required
BIND Response:
10 =
compression used
xx =
24 18
Table 6. BINPSCHR field of BNDAREA DSECT for logical unit profile 3
DSECT DS or ORG label DSECT EQU label Value Meaning Dec offset Hex offset
BINDFLAG BINSEDS X'80' 3270 extended data stream 14 E
    X'7F' Reserved 14 E
      Reserved 15 F
      Reserved 16 10
      Reserved 17 11
      Reserved 18 12
BINBFRSZ     Presentation space size (next 4 bytes) 19 13
BINBFRDR     Default number of rows 19 13
BINBFRDC     Default number of columns 20 14
BINBFRAR     Alternate number of rows 21 15
BINBFRAC     Alternate number of columns 22 16
BINBDESC     Code for presentation size:
480 characters
1920 characters
fixed size as defined by the default values
variable size as defined by the default and alternate values
23 17
    X'FC' Reserved 24 18
  BINCMP1 BINCMP2 X'02' X'01'
BIND Request:
00 =
no compression
01 =
compression bid
10 =
11 =
compression required
BIND Response:
10 =
compression used
xx =
24 18
Table 7. BINPSCHR field of BNDAREA DSECT for logical unit profile 4
DSECT DS or ORG label DSECT EQU label Value Meaning Dec offset Hex offset
BINPSNDO     Primary logical unit send capability (next 4 bytes) 14 E
BINPDSPP     Printer data stream profile 14 E
  BINPBDSP X'80' Base data stream profile
Bit on =
Bit off =
not supported
14 E
  BINPJOB X'20' Job SNA character string subset
Bit on =
Bit off =
not supported
14 E
  BINWPRAW X'08' Word processing raw form
Bit on =
Bit off =
not supported
14 E
    X'57' Reserved 14 E
BINADSPP     Additional data stream profile 15 F
Bit on =
card supported
Bit off =
card not supported
15 F
    X'5F' Reserved 15 F
BINCSLP     Console data stream profile 16 10
  BINCBDSP X'80' Base data stream profile
Bit on =
Bit off =
not supported
16 10
  BINCJOB X'20' Job SNA character string subset
Bit on =
Bit off =
not supported
16 10
    X'5F' Reserved 16 10
BINFMHUP     Function management/function management header usage 17 11
1 level of destination selection suspension stack
2 levels of destination selection suspension stack
3 levels of destination selection suspension stack
17 11
Bit on =
secondary logical unit must receive a Change Direction on every End Data Set command
Bit off =
secondary logical unit need not receive a Change Direction on every End Data Set command
17 11
    X'9E' Reserved 17 11
BINSSNDO     Secondary logical unit send capability (next 4 bytes) 18 12
BINPDSPS     Printer data stream profile 18 12
  BINPBDSP X'80' Base data stream profile
Bit on =
Bit off =
not supported
18 12
  BINPJOB X'20' Job SNA character string subset
Bit on =
Bit off =
not supported
18 12
  BINWPRAW X'08' Word processing raw form
Bit on =
Bit off =
not supported
18 12
    X'57' Reserved 18 12
BINADSPS     Additional data stream profile 19 13
Bit on =
card supported
Bit off =
card not supported
19 13
    X'BF' Reserved 19 13
BINSCLS     Console data stream profile 20 14
  BINCBDSP X'80' Base data stream profile
Bit on =
Bit off =
not supported
20 14
  BINCJOB X'20' Job SNA character string subset
Bit on =
Bit off =
not supported
20 14
    X'5F' Reserved 20 14
BINFMHUS     Function management/function management header usage 21 15
1 level of destination selection suspension stack
2 levels of destination selection suspension stack
3 levels of destination selection suspension stack
21 15
Bit on =
secondary logical unit must receive a Change Direction on every End Data Set command
Bit off =
secondary logical unit need not receive a Change Direction on every End Data Set command
21 15
    X'9E' Reserved 21 15
BINSCO     Code selection 22 16
  BINCSOR X'F0' Repertoire 22 16
  BINCSOE X'80' EBCDIC 22 16
    X'30' Reserved 22 16
00 =
code 0 (main code) selection is EBCDIC
01 =
code 0 (main code) selection is ASCII/ISCII/ITA #5
22 16
  BINCSOC2 X'03'
00 =
code 1 (alternate code) selection is EBCDIC
01 =
code 1 (alternate code) selection is ASCII/ISCII/ITA #5
22 16
BINGENCO     General characteristics 23 17
    X'C0' Reserved 23 17
Bit on =
secondary logical unit must send data first
Bit off =
primary logical unit can send data first
23 17
    X'10' Reserved 23 17
  BINIAO X'08'
Bit on =
secondary logical unit will initiate unattended
Bit off =
secondary logical unit will initiate attended
23 17
  BINAAO X'04'
Bit on =
secondary logical unit can alternate between attended and unattended
Bit off =
secondary logical unit will not alternate between attended and unattended
23 17
    X'03' Reserved 24 18
Table 8. BINPSCHR field of BNDAREA DSECT for logical unit profile 6
DSECT DS or ORG label DSECT EQU label Value Meaning Dec offset Hex offset
BINLULEV     LU 6 Level 14 E
  BINLV02 X'02' Level 2 14 E
BINFLG0     LU 6.2 flags, byte 0 21 15
  BINDSSSP X'80' Distributed Systems Security supported 21 15
  BINDESS X'40' Extended security sense codes supported 21 15
BINFLG1     LU 6.2 flags, byte 1 22 16
  BINCLSS X'10' Access security information support 22 16
  BINDPWS X'04' Password substitution support 22 16
  BINSLAPS X'08' Session level security protocol 22 16
  BINAVFS X'02' Already-verified function support 22 16
  BINPV X'01' Persistent verification function support 22 16
BINFLG2     LU 6.2 flags, byte 2 23 17
  BINSYNCH X'60' Synchronization level field 23 17
  BINCONF X'20' Confirm supported 23 17
  BINCSBK X'40' Confirm, sync point, and backout supported 23 17
  BINRS X'10' Reconnect support 23 17
  BINRSR X'0C' Responsibility for session, reinitiation field (reserved when parallel sessions are supported) 23 17
  BINOPRC X'00' Operator controlled 23 17
  BINPRIMH X'04' Primary will reinitiate 23 17
  BINSECNH X'08' Secondary will reinitiate 23 17
  BINETHR X'0C' Either may reinitiate 23 17
  BINPSS X'02' Parallel session support for LU-LU pair: 0= PSS not supported, 1= PSS supported 23 17
  BINGDSVF X'01' Change number of sessions GDS variable flow support: 0= not supported, 1= supported 23 17
BINFLG3   X LU 6.2 Flags, byte 3 24 18
  BINRSV37 X'80' Reserved 24 18
  BINLTDRC X'40' 1 = limited resource exists 24 18
  BINRSV38 X'3C' Reserved 24 18
  BIN6CMP1 X'02' Applies only to BINSMED1 24 18
  BIN6CMP2 X'01' (See BINCMP1 and BINCMP2) 24 18
  BINCMP1 BINCMP2 X'02' X'01'
BIND Request:
00 =
no compression
01 =
compression bid
10 =
11 =
compression required
BIND Response:
10 =
compression used
xx =
24 18