Description of the Trends Report

The trends report presents error data in chronological order, by the Julian day (1 through 365) and consists of the following two parts:

1 Presents errors by type of failure: CPU, channel, storage, and SCP. It contains IPL, MCH, CCH/SLH/CRW, and program error (software) records for each processor (CPU).
2 Presents permanent and temporary I/O errors for the product groups in the order shown in Table 1.
  1. Trends reports do not report on SIM-producing devices such as 3990/3390 DASD.
  2. 9340 direct access storage subsystems are not shown in the trends report.
  3. Within product groups, errors are presented by device address or number or physical ID within generic device or product types.
  4. CPUs associated with records appear on the line with the device address/number. Devices that provide physical IDs are associated with the control unit and not with a CPU.
  5. DASD and tape devices are listed by DEVNO⁄CUA.