Description of the System Summary Report

The system summary report has the following two parts:

1 Summarizes errors by CPUs from all but the I/O subsystem.
2 Summarizes errors recorded in the I/O subsystem.
  1. Record counts are listed by CPU. See How EREP Assigns Numbers to CPUs for an explanation of the way the number identifiers are assigned.

    EREP can report information from a variable number of CPUs depending upon your operating system, type of printer and what parameters you specify. Information from the remaining CPUs are grouped together under serial number X'FFFFFF'.

    It is also possible to have multiple internal CPUs reported under one serial number. See SYSIMG Control Statement for more information.

  2. DASD and tape are listed by strings in the system summary.
  3. A field with all 9’s means that the number was larger than the print position allowed.
  4. A dash (–) in part 2 of the system summary means there are no records for this DEVNO⁄CUA on this processor (CPU).
  5. It is most useful to address the permanent errors first.