MVS Header Record for the ERDS

Table 1 shows an example of the MVS header record for the ERDS.

Table 1. MVS ERDS Header Record
Offset Dec(Hex) Size(bytes) Alignment(bits) Field Name Description
0(0) 2 CLASRC Header-record identifier. Each bit in this field is set to 1 unless critical data has been destroyed.
2(2) 4 LOWLIMIT Address of low extent. Track address (in CCHH format) of first extent of SYS1.LOGREC.
6(6) 4 UPLIMIT Address of high extent. Track address (in CCHH format) of last extent of SYS1.LOGREC.
10(A) 1 MSGCNT Count of the number of times LOGREC-full message has been issued (maximum is 15).
11(B) 7 RESTART Address of record entry area, and address of time-stamp record. Starting track address (in BBCCHHR format) of the recording area on SYS1.LOGREC. If a time-stamp record is present, it begins at the address pointed to by this field.
18(12) 2 BYTSREM Remaining bytes on track. Number of bytes remaining on the track upon which the last record entry was written.
20(14) 2 TRKCAP Total bytes on track. Number of bytes that can be written on a track of the volume containing SYS1.LOGREC.
22(16) 7 LASTTR Address of last record written. Track address (in BBCCHHR format) of last record written on SYS1.LOGREC.
29(1D) 2 TRKSPER Highest addressable track for each cylinder on volume containing SYS1.LOGREC.
31(1F) 2 EWMCNT Warning count. Number of bytes remaining on early-warning-message track of SYS1.LOGREC when 90%-full point of data set is reached. When this is detected by a recording routine, it issues a message and turns on the early-warning-message switch at displacement 38.
33(21) 1 DEVCODE Device code, indicating the device type of the volume on which SYS1.LOGREC resides:
2305 MOD II
3330 and 3333 MOD I or 3350 operating in 3330-1 compatibility mode
3340 and 3344
3350 native mode
3330 and 3333 MOD II or 3350 operating in 3330-II compatibility mode
34(22) 4 EWMTRK Early-warning-message track. Track address (in CCHH format) on which 90% full point for data set exists.
38(26) 1 EWMSW Switch byte:
  1... ....   90%-full-point message has been issued. This switch is turned on by the recording routine detecting 90% full point and is turned off by IFCEREP1 when clearing SYS1.LOGREC.
  .xxx xxxx   Reserved.
39(27) 1 SFTYBYTS Check byte. Each bit in this field is set to 1; the field is used to check the validity of the header-record identifier.