
The EREP Reference applies to EREP Version 3, Release 5.

The following operating systems can run EREP:

If EREP 3.5 is not installed on your system, some of the information in this book may not apply. You can find out which level of EREP your system supports by checking the release number of the EREP tape last installed; the release number is in the System Control Programming Specifications, which accompany the EREP tape.

Note: New releases of EREP are always downward compatible. That is, the latest version of EREP always runs on your system. New releases also include new functions that you can only use if you have the latest version of your operating system; but generally, old functions are not eliminated. The same is true of this book, although some very old versions of EREP (for example, IFCEREP0) are no longer supported.