Default Actions for EREP Parameters

Table 1 shows the default values that EREP uses when you do not include a parameter in the controls for an EREP run.

Table 1. When You Omit EREP Parameters
ACC EREP assumes ACC=Y, except when you request a threshold report. Then, the default is ACC=N.
CPU EREP processes records from all processors.
CPUCUA EREP processes all available records.
CUA EREP uses the records from all device addresses.
DATE EREP uses all the records in the input data set, regardless of when they were created except for the trends report. For the trends report, if you do not code the DATE parameter, the default is to process 30 days of error data.
DEV EREP processes records associated with all device types.
DEVSER EREP uses records for the threshold summary regardless of the device serial numbers they contain.
ERRORID EREP processes all MCH and SFT records, regardless of their error identifiers.
EVENT Unless you specifically code EVENT or EVENT=Y, EREP does not produce an event history report.
HIST EREP assumes HIST=N and uses the ERDS as input.
LIA/LIBADR EREP uses 3705, 3720, 3725, 3735, and 3745 TP communication controller records regardless of the line interface base address they contain.
LINECT For MVS, and VM, 50 lines per page; for VSE systems, the default is the number of lines per page set for SYSLST at SYSGEN.
MERGE EREP assumes MERGE=N and uses records from only one input file.
MOD EREP processes records regardless of which kind of processor they were created on.
MODE EREP uses all available records, regardless of whether they were recorded in 370 or 370XA mode.
PRINT If you do not code any report parameter at all, EREP assumes PRINT=SD, which produces a detail summary and, if applicable, a data reduction report for each record and device type you select. If you code PRINT without any keyword value, it is a syntax error.
SHORT EREP does not print out short OBR records for detail edit reports. It does print them out for detail summaries, however.
SYMCDE EREP uses all OBR records, regardless of the fault symptom codes they contain.
SYSEXN Unless you specifically code SYSEXN or SYSEXN=Y, EREP does not produce a system exception report series.
SYSUM Unless you specifically code SYSUM or SYSUM=Y, EREP does not produce a system summary.
TABSIZE For MVS, and VM, EREP’s internal sort table is 24KB; for VSE systems, it is 4KB.
TERMN EREP processes VTAM OBR records regardless of the terminal name they contain.
THRESHOLD Unless you specifically code THRESHOLD and some threshold values, EREP produces no threshold summary.
TIME EREP uses all available records, regardless of the time they were created.
TRENDS Unless you specifically code TRENDS or TRENDS=Y, EREP produces no trends report.
TYPE EREP uses all types of records.
VOLID EREP uses certain DASD and tape records regardless of the associated volume serial numbers.
ZERO EREP does not clear the ERDS after completing the report. The default is ZERO=N.