Directing messages from other systems to a console in a sysplex

In a sysplex, if you don't want your operators receiving certain messages from all systems, you can limit some of the messages they receive. These messages are any messages not explicitly routed to a console.

Use the following keyword on the CONSOLE statement to direct certain messages in a sysplex to a given console:
In a sysplex, defines the systems from which this console can receive messages.

The default is MSCOPE(*ALL) (except for the system console, for which the default is MSCOPE(*)), which indicates that messages from the local system as well as all the other systems in the sysplex appear on the console. If a system is specified on MSCOPE but is not active, the console does not receive any unsolicited messages.

MSCOPE values override other routing attributes for the console; that is, the console receives messages only from the system you specify. However, if MSCOPE limits system scope, you can still send messages from other systems using the console name on commands and macros. Operators can use the VARY command to change MSCOPE.