PARMLIB specifications

To activate auto-reply processing on a system, you need to specify the AUTORxx member of PARMLIB.

Statements provided for the AUTORxx parmlib member are NOTIFYMSGS and MSGID(). The parameters include: For details about the statements and parameters, and the wildcard rules applied when you specify MSGID(), see z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference.

IBM® supplies a suggested auto-reply policy as AUTOR00. You can modify the member (which is not recommended), or define another AUTORxx member to customize the auto-reply policy. If you don't want a WTOR in AUTOR00 to be monitored, your AUTORxx member can override the policy by specifying the NOAUTOREPLY option. If you want to change the reply or delay value, code a new MSGID() statement for the WTOR. When you specify parmlib members, make sure that AUTORxx comes before AUTOR00.

To enable your installation to specify its own auto-reply policy during IPL, or to request that auto-reply processing not be activated, you need to specify an AUTOR= option in the parmlib member IEASYSxx or in response to message IEA101A SPECIFY SYSTEM PARAMETERS.