Abstract for MVS Planning: Operations

This information supports z/OS® Version 2 (5650-ZOS).

Purpose of this information

This information contains planning information for MVS™ operations. It describes how to define and use multiple console support (MCS) consoles, SNA Multiple console support (SMCS) consoles (as of z/OS V1R1), and extended MCS (EMCS) consoles. It also describes how to manage messages and commands in an MVS single-system or sysplex environment.

Who should read this information

System programmers who plan MVS operations and persons who administer the security procedures for their installations should use this information. The information assumes that the user understands the installation's hardware and software, and also understands the general organization and functions of MVS. Users should also have a good understanding of parmlib and how to use it.

How to use this information

The information is organized as follows:

Conventions and terminology used in this information

When this information refers to RACF® (Resource Access Control Facility) it is the IBM® security management product for its large server z/OS operating system. You can substitute your security product in place of RACF if you are not using RACF.