SETSMF command

In contrast to the SET command, which allows an installation to specify a different SMFPRMxx parmlib member or restart SMF, the SETSMF command allows an installation to add a SUBPARM parameter or replace any previously-specified parameter in the active SMF parmlib member except the ACTIVE, PROMPT, SID, EXITS or AUTHSETSMF parameters. The SETSMF command cannot add a parameter to the active SMF parmlib member. To avoid possible confusion with the SET SMF command, use the abbreviation SS for the SETSMF command.

The SETSMF command is not authorized under either of the following conditions:
  • The NOAUTHSETSMF SMFPRMxx parmlib option is specified.
  • The PROMPT(IPLR) or NOPROMPT SMFPRMxx parmlib options are specified, and the AUTHSETSMF parmlib option is NOT specified.
The SETSMF command is authorized under either of the following conditions:
  • The AUTHSETSMF SMFPRMxx parmlib option is specified.
  • The PROMPT(LIST) or PROMPT(ALL) SMFPRMxx parmlib options are specified.
For details, refer to the SMFPRMxx parameters in z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference.