Use the SETGTZ DEBUG command to add a DEBUG statement to the facility. DEBUG statements are intended as diagnostic aid to further debug certain tracked instance occurrences.

The DEBUG statement has parameters to describe the desired debug action and which tracked instances should trigger this action (via a filter). Any future GTZTRACK request with data matching the filter will have the requested debug action executed.

Besides triggering the debug action, a matching tracked instance will be recorded, unless there is also a matching EXCLUDE statement. This implies that an EXCLUDE statement will not prohibit a DEBUG statement from triggering, but just from being recorded.

If there is more than one debug statement that matches a GTZTRACK request, the most recently entered debug statement will be used. To be able to do that, the system will keep track of the order in which debug statements are specified. IBM recommends to be as specific as possible on your DEBUG filter and to avoid "almost" duplicate statements, such as having different reason code or debug action, to avoid unexpected behavior.