Communicating with specified users

Use the SEND...,USER command to communicate with specific time-sharing users.
SE {'message'},USER=(userid[,userid]...),{NOW|LOGON},{WAIT|NOWAIT}
   {msgno    }

The parameters are:

The message to be sent to the terminal users.
The number of the message to be sent. (See Saving messages in the broadcast data set. for information about how messages can be saved and later sent by message number.)
The identifiers of those users who are to receive the message.
Specifies that the message is to be sent immediately. If the recipient is not logged on, you are notified and the message is deleted.
When NOWAIT and USER are specified and the user's terminal is busy:
  • The user does not receive the message
  • You are notified which users did not receive the message
  • The message is deleted
If any specified user is currently logged on and is accepting messages, the user receives the message. If the user is logged on but is not receiving messages, the message is stored in the mail section of the broadcast data set until the user requests it. If the user is not logged on, the message is stored in the mail section of the broadcast data set until requested when the user logs on.

When NOWAIT is specified and the user's terminal is busy, the message is stored in the mail section of the broadcast data set until the user requests it.

Specifies that the message is held until system output buffers are available for the specified logged on users. This option ensures that the message is received by all the specified users. When a user's terminal is busy, other users will not receive the message until that user's terminal is free.
Specifies that the message is not held. When USER is specified, you are notified of any users who do not received the message. If LOGON is specified, the message is saved as mail for those user's who's terminal is busy or who were not logged on.
Note: When possible, use the LOGON parameter so you do not interrupt the user's terminal session unnecessarily.

Example 1:

To send the following message to users D58 and D04 immediately, if they are receiving messages, or when they request messages, enter:
se 'your listings are ready',user=(d58,d04),logon
If they are not logged on the system, they receive the message when they log on.

Example 2:

To send the message to the specified user immediately, if he is logged on, enter:
se 'getting I/O errors on your pack',user=(payroll)