The INIT statement in the CONSOLxx member

The INIT statement contains initialization values for the system. You code only one INIT statement in the CONSOLxx member.

Table 1 describes each MVS™ command that has a corresponding parameter on the INIT statement in CONSOLxx, the parameter, and the characteristic that the command and parameter affect. The value in parentheses indicates the default. All values can be changed using the SET CON= command.

Table 1. Comparison of system commands and INIT statements in CONSOLxx
System command Parameter on INIT statement with default value Characteristic that the parameter affects
CONTROL M,AMRF AMRF(Y) Establishes whether the action message retention facility is to be active
CONTROL M,APPLID APPLID Sets the APPLID used by SMCS on this system
CONTROL M,GENERIC GENERIC Sets the GENERIC used by SMCS for the entire sysplex
CONTROL M,MLIM MLIM(1500) Limits the number of buffers for WTO messages that the system has not yet displayed
CONTROL M,LOGLIM LOGLIM(1000) Limits the number of buffers for messages that the system sends to the system log
CONTROL M,RLIM RLIM(10) Limits the number of WTOR messages that the system has displayed but that the operator has not replied to
CONTROL M,UEXIT UEXIT(Y) Establishes whether the installation exit IEAVMXIT is to be active
K M,ROUTTIME ROUTTIME(30) Specifies the maximum number of seconds that a multisystem ROUTE command waits for a response
MONITOR MONITOR Establishes how the system displays mount and demount messages in response to the MONITOR command
SET CNGRP CNGRP(NO) Specifies the CNGRPxx parmlib members that the system is to use
SET MMS MMS(NO) Specifies the MMSLSTxx parmlib member that holds the translation tables that are available for your system
SET MPF MPF(NO) Specifies the MPFLSTxx parmlib members that the system is to use
SET MSGFLD=xx MSGFLD Specifies the MSGFLDxx parmlib member that the system is to use
SET PFK PFK(NONE) Specifies the PFKTABxx parmlib member that holds the PFK tables that are available for your consoles
TRACE CT,PARM= CTRACE(CTIOPS00) Specifies the CTnOPSxx parmlib member that contains tracing options for the operations services (OPS) component