Selecting commands and command responses for the hardcopy message set

Unless you specify otherwise, the system includes all operator and system commands, responses, and status displays in the hardcopy message set. To request that some commands and command responses not be included in the hardcopy message set, the system gives you the following choices on the VARY ,HARDCPY command:
The system does not include operator commands or their responses in the hardcopy message set.
The system includes all operator commands and their responses, excluding any status displays, in the hardcopy message set.
The system includes all operator and system commands, their responses, and status displays in the hardcopy message set. As of z/OS® V1R8, STCMDS and CMDS are equivalent.

To see which commands and command responses the system includes in the hardcopy message set, issue the DISPLAY CONSOLES command. Figure 1 shows the display that appears in response to this command.

You control which commands and command responses are included in the hardcopy message set by:
  • Using the VARY command:

    Use the VARY ,HARDCPY command to change the commands or the command responses that are included in the hardcopy message set.


    To request that the hardcopy message set include all operator commands and responses except status displays, enter:

    The effect of this command lasts only for the duration of the IPL.