Responding to IEA502A

Reply reason code ‘0’ when you suspect that a unit of work is causing a wait state that is not valid or a disabled loop and you cannot terminate the suspected unit of work by using the CANCEL or FORCE commands.
  1. The system displays message IEA500A and waits for operator response. IEA500A supplies information about the unit of work in progress.
  2. Reply ABEND to abnormally terminate the interrupted program and invoke the necessary recovery routines if the information describes the unit of work you suspect has a problem.
  3. Reply RESUME to end further restart processing and allow the interrupted work to continue if the information does not describe the unit of work that you suspect has a problem.

Repeat this process of invoking restart with REASON 0 until you interrupt the work you suspect. Only then should you reply ABEND to abnormally terminate the current work.

Note: The system terminates the work in progress without displaying any information about it if you request the restart function with REASON 0 on a processor that cannot communicate with an operator.
Reply reason code ‘1’ when you suspect a system problem that is not related to the work currently in progress. The system diagnoses and repairs some problems that might be causing it to behave abnormally. Among its actions, the system:
  • Makes itself dispatchable.
  • Checks the number of message buffers. The system notifies you if the maximum number of buffers has been exceeded.
  • Checks system activity. The system notifies you if there are no batch jobs or time-sharing users.
  • Restarts I/O on all channel paths.
  • Checks and repairs critical data areas.
Note: Using reason code ‘1’ might cause the system to immediately terminate some address spaces. Use reason code ‘1’ only under the direction of a system programmer.

Normally, the system notifies you of anything it diagnoses or repairs when you request the restart function with reason code ‘1’. You only get this information on a processor that can communicate with an operator.