Controlling the action message retention facility

During its initialization, the system can start the action message retention facility (AMRF). When active, the facility retains in a buffer area all action messages (those messages with descriptor codes 1, 2, 3, and 11) except those specified by the installation in the active MPFLSTxx member.

If the first system IPLs and AMRF is active, then AMRF is active on every system that you subsequently IPL into the sysplex.

When you have performed the action required by a message displayed on the screen, the system deletes the message; or you can use the CONTROL C command to delete the message. You can remove action messages from the screen that require later action, then retrieve them in their entirety later by using the DISPLAY R command. Periodically, you should display the retained messages and delete the ones for which action has been taken so that the action message retention buffer does not fill up.

To change the messages that the action message retention facility is to retain, activate an MPFLSTxx member that contains the message retention options you want. The system default is to have the action message retention facility on.

To learn the status of the action message retention facility, issue the CONTROL M,REF command.

You change the status of the action message retention facility by:
  • Using the CONTROL command

    Use the CONTROL M,AMRF command to turn the action message retention facility on or off.


    To deactivate the action message retention facility, enter: