FORCE command

Consider using the FORCE command as a last resort when the CANCEL command still fails to perform its function after you have issued it several times.

Table 1 summarizes the tasks that the FORCE command can perform. Considerations discusses several considerations about using the FORCE command.

Table 1. FORCE command tasks
Task - Immediately terminate... Syntax
  • A job in execution
  • A running Advanced Program-to-Program Communication/MVS (APPC/MVS) transaction program
  • A started task
FORCE jobname
  • A specific task (tttttt) within the indicated jobname.
FORCE jobname,TCB=tttttt
  • A time-sharing user (U=userid)
FORCE U=userid
  • A started task
  • A MOUNT command
  • An external writer allocation
  • The output processing for a job
  • A z/OS UNIX process
FORCE identifier