WLMDATA subcommand — analyze workload manager data

Use the WLMDATA subcommand to generate reports about the workload manager (WLM) component of MVS™.
  • Syntax

    --------- Report Type Parameters ---------------------------

                   [ POLICY ]
                   [ STATUS[,SYSNAME(sysname)]]
                   [ WORKMANAGER[,ASID(asidlist)]

    -------- Data Selection Parameters -------------------------

                   [ DETAIL    ]
                   [ EXCEPTION ]
                   [ SUMMARY   ]

    -------- SETDEF-Defined Parameters -------------------------
    Note: You can override the following SETDEF parameters.
    See SETDEF subcommand — set defaults.

                   [ ACTIVE | MAIN | STORAGE          ]
                   [ DSNAME(dsname) | DATASET(dsname) ]
                   [ FILE(ddname) | DDNAME(ddname)    ]
                   [ PATH(path-name)     ]
                   [ FLAG(severity) ]
                   [ PRINT | NOPRINT ]
                   [ TERMINAL | NOTERMINAL ]
                   [ TEST | NOTEST ]
  • Report Type Parameters
    Use these parameters to select the type of report. You can specify as many reports as you want. If you omit a report type parameter, the default is POLICY, STATUS, and WORKMANAGER.
    Requests information about the sysplex service policy.
    Requests information about WLM status for one or more systems. The parameter that can limit the scope of the STATUS report is:
    Requests status information about WLM for a list of system names. If you omit the SYSNAME parameter and value, the default is status information for all systems in the sysplex. The sysname can be a single system name or a list of system names. When you specify a list, separate the names with commas. A system name has 1 to 8 characters.
    Requests information about the activity associated with work requests that are connected to WLM. The parameters that can limit the scope of the WORKMANAGER report are:
    Specifies a list of ASIDs for the address spaces to be in the WORKMANAGER report. If you omit the ASID parameter, the default is information for all address spaces.

    The asidlist can be a single ASID, a range of ASIDs, or a list of noncontiguous ASIDs. When you specify a range, separate the first and last ASIDs in the range with a colon. When you specify a list, separate the list members with commas. The ASID has 1 to 4 hexadecimal digits.

    Specifies a list of subsystem types to be in the WORKMANAGER report. If you omit the SUBSYSTYPE parameter, the default is information for all subsystem types.

    The subsystype can be a single subsystem or a list of subsystems. When you specify a list, separate the list members with commas. The subsystype has 1 to 4 characters.

    Requests status information about WLM for a list of subsystem names. If you omit the SUBSYSNAME parameter and value, the default is status information for all subsystems in the sysplex.

    The subsysname can be a single subsystem name or a list of subsystem names. When you specify a list, separate the names with commas. A subsystem name has 1 to 8 characters.

  • Data Selection Parameters
    Use these parameters to limit the scope of the data in the report. If you omit a data selection parameter, the default is SUMMARY.
    Requests a report showing detailed information for each of the selected topics.
    Requests a list of exceptional or unusual conditions for each of the selected topics.
    Requests summary information for each of the selected topics. SUMMARY is the default.
  • Return Codes

    See Standard subcommand return codes for a description of the return codes produced by the WLMDATA subcommand.