BLSCBSYB CLIST — obtain a SYSMDUMP dump screening report

Use the BLSCBSYB CLIST to create an initial screening report for a SYSMDUMP dump. Using the IPCS dialog, invoke BLSCBSYB through the SUBMIT option, then the Prepare SYSMDUMP Dump for Analysis option. IPCS submits a batch job for the CLIST that routes the output dump report to a SYSOUT data set.

You can invoke BLSCBSYB directly from an IPCS session, but the CLIST takes a long time to complete processing.
  • IPCS batch invocation
    You must supply the data set name, dump directory, and sysout class.
    --------------------- Prepare SYSMDUMP for IPCS Analysis ------------
    COMMAND ===]
    Enter/verify parameters for the job.
    Use ENTER to submit the job, END to terminate without job submission.
    DATA SET NAME  ===]
    SYSOUT CLASS   ===]
  • IPCS dialog invocation
    BLSCBSYB uses the current dump data set and dump directory.
     ------------------------- IPCS Subcommand Entry --------------------
     Enter a free-form IPCS subcommand, CLIST, or REXX EXEC invocation below:
     ===] %BLSCBSYB
  • CLIST listing

    See the BLSCBSYB member of SYS1.SBLSCLI0.