If the CALLRTM macro specifies TYPE=MEMTERM, system processing is directed toward an address space. The following locking and work area requirements apply to this form of CALLRTM:
  • If the ASID parameter is nonzero, the specified address space is abnormally terminated. The caller need not be disabled or own any locks. The caller must pass the address of a 72-byte work area in GPR 13.
  • If the ASID parameter is specified as 0 or is omitted, the current address space is abnormally terminated. The caller need not be disabled or own any locks. The caller must pass the address of a 72-byte work area in GPR 13.
    Note: The required work area is not the standard 72-byte save area. The system stores into the first 8 bytes of the area, which are commonly used for save area chaining. If you pass the save area in register 13 that you are using to link your program to your caller's, you will not be able to get back to your caller.

Because TYPE=MEMTERM processing circumvents all task recovery and task resource manager processing, its use is restricted to a select group of routines that can determine that task recovery and task resource manager clean-up are either not warranted or will not successfully operate in the address space being terminated. An alternative way to terminate an address space is to use CALLRTM TYPE=ABTERM and specify the job step TCB.