Generate report from ISMF-saved DASD volume list: ACBQVAR1

ACBQVAR1 is called by SYS1.SACBCNTL member ACBJBAOF to generate a flat file from an ISMF-saved DASD volume table and lists the fields of your choice, in the order you specify. You can sort on a field.

See Figure 1 for the sample JCL and parameters.

Use the following parameters on the SYSIN DDNAME statement when you run the ACBQVAR1 EXEC in batch. Each parameter must be on a separate line.

Parameters Description
%FREE Prints the % of free space on the volume.
ALLOCSPC | ALLOCSP Prints the amount of allocated space on the volume.
ALSPCTRK | ALSPTRK Prints the track-managed allocated space on the volume.
CACHEFW Does the volume have Cache Fast Write enabled for it?
CFVOLST CF Volume Status
DASDFW Does the volume have DASD FAST WRITE enabled for it?
DEVICE | DEVICETYPE Prints the device type of the volume.
DEVNUM | ADDRESS Prints the device number of the volume.
DUPLEX | DUPLEXST Is the volume part of a dual-copy pair?
FRAG | FRAGINDX Prints the fragmentation index of the Volume.
FREEDSCB | DSCBFREE Prints the number of free data set control blocks in the VTOC of the volume.
FREESPC | FREESP Prints the volume's free space in KB.
FREEVIRS | VIRSFREE Prints the number of free VIRs in the indexed VTOC on the volume.
FREEXT | EXTFREE Prints the number of free extents on the Vvolume.
FRSPCTRK | FRSPTRK Prints the track-managed free space on the volume.
INDXSTAT | STATINDX Prints the status of the indexed VTOC on the volume.
INIASRES Prints if volume is initialized as reserved.
LGEXTRK | EXTLGTRK Prints the size of the largest track-managed extent available on the volume.
LRGEXT | EXTLRG Prints the size of the largest extent available on the volume.
OTHER | OTHERDEV If duplex, what is the secondary volume?
OWNERID Prints the volume's owner ID.
PAGELENGTH=nn Sets page length for the report (default is 60).
PHYSTAT | STATPHYS Prints the physical status of the volume.
RDCACHE | RDSTAT Does the volume have READ CACHE enabled for it?
SHARE | SHRDASD Is the DASD volume genned as SHARED?
STORGRP | SG Prints the storage group that the volume belongs to.
SUBSYS | SUBSYSID Prints the controller's subsystem identifier.
TITLE=xxx Prints a title for the report. Title does not need to be placed in parentheses or quotation marks, and cannot expand more than one record in length.
TOTALS Prints totals for the volume. If this parameter is not specified, totals does not print.
USE | USEATTR Prints the volumes use attribute (public and so on).
VOLSER Prints the volume serial number.