Generate report from ISMF-saved tape list: ACBQBAR4


ACBQBAR4 is called by SYS1.SACBCNTL member ACBJBAOT to generate a flat file from an ISMF-saved tape table and lists the fields of your choice, in the order you specify.

See Figure 1 for the sample JCL and parameters.

Use the following parameters on the SYSIN DDNAME statement when you run the ACBQBAR4 EXEC in batch. Each parameter must be on a separate line.

Parameters Description
CKPTVOL | CKPT Prints whether this is a checkpoint volume.
COMPTYPE | TYPECOMP Prints the compaction type.
CRTDTVOL | VOLCRTDT Prints the volume's creation date.
EXPDTVOL | VOLEXPDT Prints the volume's expiration date.
LSTENTDT | LASTEJECT Prints the last eject/entry date.
LSTMNTDT | LASTMOUNT Prints the volume's last mount date.
LSTWRTDT | LASTWRITE Prints the volume's last write date.
LIBNAME Prints the volume's library name.
MEDIA | MEDIATYPE Prints the volume's media type.
OWNER | OWNERINFO Prints the volume's owner information.
PAGELENGTH=nn Sets the page length for the report (default is 60)
RECTECH | TECHREC Prints the volume's recording technology.
SHELF | SHELFLOC Prints the volume's shelf location.
SPCLATTR | ATTRSPCL Prints the volume's special attributes.
STORGRP | SGNAME Prints the storage group that the tape belongs to.
TITLE=nn Prints a title for the report. Title does not need to be placed in parentheses or quotation marks and cannot expand more than one record in length.
USEATTR | ATTRUSE Prints the volume use attributes.
VOLERROR | ERRORVOL Prints the volume's error information.
VOLLOC | LOCVOL Prints the volume's location.
VOLSER Prints the volume serial number.
WRTPROT | PROTWRT Is the volume write protected?