Selecting data sets for coupling facility statistical monitoring

You can use the VARY SMS command to specify which data sets are eligible for CF statistical monitoring. If statistical monitoring is on, SMF TYPE 42, subtype 16 records are produced. Use the following command format:
VARY SMS,MONDS(dsname{dsname,...}),{ON|OFF}
Select OFF to indicate that the specified data sets are no longer eligible for statistical monitoring. You can specify a full or partial data set name, with at least one high-level qualifier. An asterisk cannot be followed by other qualifiers. For example, if you specify * or **, it must be the last qualifier, that is, you would code xxx.* or xxx.**

You can specify up to 16 data set specifications with each command. This command affects activity for the specified data sets across all systems in the Parallel Sysplex®.

For VARY SMS,MONDS(IGWVSAM.BASE.DATA.TRAP), the following syntax rules apply: