How to set up the COPYFILT macro

This section documents intended Programming Interfaces that allow you to write programs to obtain the services of SMS.

To initially setup the COPYFILT macro, the user must perform the following steps:

  1. Create one PDS containing all the related ACS source routines for a single SMS configuration.


  2. Group all the FILTLISTs in an ACS routine together in one contiguous section of ACS code.


  3. Create a new member containing a consolidated list of all FILTLISTs in all related ACS routines.


  4. Before using this macro for the first time, some initial "priming" of the FILTLIST member must be performed. This step need only be done once; after that, the process is automatic.
    The required priming has the following format:
    • The line just before the first FILTLIST must have data (beginning in column 1) of /*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*/
    • All FILTLISTs for all ACS routines follow the line of special character strings.
    • The line after the last FILTLIST must have data (beginning in column 1) of /**_**_**_**_**_**_**_**_**_**/


  5. Make sure each ACS routine using the macro (the data class, storage class, management class, and the storage group routines) has the text strings listed above placed in each of the ACS routines at the location you want the COPYFILT macro to place the consolidated filter list. The COPYFILT process copies the FILTLISTs from the FILTLIST member and places them between these two lines of special character strings.