How to use the QSAVE and QRETRIEV commands

When a query is saved, a new entry is created in an ISPF table. ISMFQDSN is the table name for data set queries. ISMFQVOL is the table name for volume queries. If the tables do not exist when the first query is saved, the table is created into the library pointed to by DDNAME ISPTABL.

Duplicate query names within the ISMFQDSN and ISMFQVOL tables are not allowed. An error message indicating that there is a duplicate query name will be received if an attempt is made to save a query that already exists. An attempt to retrieve a query that does not exist, will receive an error message indicating that no query has been found.

To use either command, perform the following steps:

  1. Create and then save a query.
    The user has two options for creating a query:
    • Create the query while running ISMF in batch.

      Specify the QSAVE(name) parameter in the JCL for the batch job. Where name is the query name to be saved.

    • Generate the QUERY online.

      To do this, fill in all desired parameters for the query from either ISMF option 1 (data set list option) or option 2 (volume list option). Then return to the first page of the selection panels.

      To save the query, enter the query name on the field marked either QUERY NAME TO SAVE or RETRIEVE. Go to the top of the panel and enter QSAVE. You will receive messages indicating that the query name has been successfully saved.

    The following sample panel, "Data Set Selection Entry Panel", is the first panel with fields filled in.


  2. After the query is saved, retrieve the query name by specifying the QUERY(name) parameter in a batch job or by filling in the QUERY NAME TO SAVE OR RETRIEVE field on the data set or volume option panel of ISMF. Then issue the QRETRIEV command at the top of the panel.