Creating data set reports from saved ISMF lists

To generate data set reports, use the "Data Set Report From Saved ISMF List Entry Panel" panel (option 11.5.1). This panel requires you to set up the parameters of the data sets and to define which fields you want in your report.

  1. From the "SMS Report Generation Selection Menu" panel (option 11.5), choose "Data Set Report from Saved ISMF List" (option 1). After choosing option 1, a panel appears from which you can choose from a selection of items that you want to appear in your report.


  2. Fill in the top portion of the next screen (Data Set Report From Saved ISMF List Entry Panel) with the name of the data set that you want to hold the output report, whether you want to replace the existing data in the output data set, the name of the previously saved table, number of lines per page you want in the report, and whether you want totals for the allocated and used space attributes.
    Note: The maximum allowed size for reports is 133 columns and for data set names is 44 bytes. If you select the data set name to appear in the report, you can code the Max Length of the DSN Print field to free some of the 44 bytes.

    Coding the minimum number of 11 frees up 33 extra bytes of report columns; however, only the first 11 bytes of the data set name will be included in the report.


  3. Fill in as many fields as you want in the order you want them printed for your report.
    Note: Use PF7 (up) and PF8 (down) to scroll backward or forward.

    For example, the filled in fields of the following sample panel indicate that the user wants a report that prints the data set name, the amount of allocated space, the amount of allocated space actually used, block size, and the optimal size.


  4. After you have filled in all the information on the first panel, press PF8 to scroll forward. Fill in the remaining required information. To submit the report for processing, press the Enter key. This creates a saved data set that can be browsed.