Generate test cases from ISMF-saved data set lists: ACBQBAG3

ACBQBAG3 is called by SYS1.SACBCNTL member ACBJBAG2 to take an ISMF-saved data set table and generate test case members in a PDS library based on the attributes of the data sets in the ISMF table.

See Figure 1 for the sample JCL and parameters.

Recommendations and Restrictions:
  1. Saving tables of temporary data sets might produce errors in the bulk test case generate option (11.1.1). Instead, generate test cases from the ACSTST program for temporary data sets.
  2. Before generating the list, set the ACQUIRE DATA FROM VOLUME and ACQUIRE DATA IF DFHSM options under the ISMF data set selection entry panel to Y.
  3. The MULTVOL variable is always set to YES in an ISMF table if the data set has not been opened at the time the table is saved. The value is set correctly at OPEN time. This can sometime cause errors in the bulk test case generator.