Generate a data set list: ACBQBAI2


ACBQBAI2 is called by the following SYS1.SACBCNTL members to generate the data set list in batch:
Generate data set list and save it in a table
Generate data set list, save it in a table, and save the query
Generate data set list, save it in a table, and generate report

See Figure 1 for the sample JCL and parameters.

Use the parameters in Table 1 with ACBQBAI2. At least one OP and one value should be included when specifying a parameter.

Table 1. Using ACBQBA12 Parameters
Parameters Description
ALLOCSP(OP1 nnn1 BOOL OP2 nnn2) Where 'OP1' is EQ, NE, GT, LE, GE, LT, 'nnn1' is the allocate space value, in kilobytes (KB); BOOL is AND or OR; OP2 has the same values as OP1; and 'nnn2' has the same values as nnn1
ALLOCUT(OP dd1 dd2 dd3 dd4) Where OP is EQ or NE; allocation unit, BLK/TRK/ABS/CYL/MB/KB/BYT
BLKSIZE(OP1 nnn1 BOOL OP2 nnn2) Where 'OP1' and 'OP2' are EQ, GT, LE, or NE; 'nnn1' and 'nnn2' are the block size values; BOOL is AND or OR
BLKUNUSED(OP1 nnn1 BOOL OP2 nnn2) Where 'OP1' and 'OP2' are EQ, GE, GT, LE, LT, or NE; 'nnn1' and 'nnn2' are blocks unused values; and BOOL is AND or OR
CATNAME(catalog name) Where 'catalog name' is the name of the catalog to be searched for the dsns
CATVOL(DDDDDD) Where 'DDDDDD' is the volume serial. This is the variable used when you are generating a data set list from the catalog and you want to limit the data sets generated to those on a particular volume
CCSIDDSC(OP dd1 dd2 dd3 dd4) Where OP is EQ or NE; CCSID description 0 to 65534 or a 1 to 17 character string that is not a number 0-65534
CFCSTNM(OP dd1 dd2 dd3 dd4) Where OP is EQ or NE; CF cache structure name
CFCTNM(OP dd1 dd2 dd3 dd4) CF cache set name
CHGIND (OP DD1 DD2 DD3 DD4) Where 'OP' is EQ or NE, and 'DD1' thru 'DD4' are either YES or NO for change indicator bit setting for the DSN
CFMOST(OP dd1 dd2 dd3 dd4) Where 'OP' is EQ or NE; CF monitor status ON/OFF
CFSTIND(OP dd1 dd2 dd3 dd4) Where 'OP' is EQ or NE; CF status indicator CE/CQ/VRRQ/VRLS/VQ
COMPFMT (OP DD1 DD2 DD3 DD4) Where 'OP' is EQ or NE, and 'DD1' thru 'DD4' are either YES or NO for compressed format for the data set
CREATEDT (OP1 dat1 BOOL OP2 dat2) Where 'OP1' and 'OP2' are EQ, GE, GT, LE, LT, or NE; 'dat1' and 'dat2' are dates in the yyyy/mm/dd format; BOOL is AND or OR
DATACLS(OP DDD1 DDD2 DDD3 DDD4) Where 'OP' is EQ or NE, and 'DDD1' through DDD4' are the data classes
DDMATTR(OP dd1 dd2 dd3 dd4) Where 'OP' is EQ or NE; DDM attributes YES/NO
DEVTYPE(OP DDD1 DDD2 ... DDD8) Where 'OP' is EQ, NE, GT, LE, and so on, and 'DDD1' through DDD8 are the device types
DSENV(OP dd1 dd2 dd3 dd4) Where 'OP' is EQ or NE; dataset environment MANAGED/UNMANAGED
DSN(list of dsns) Where "list of dsns" is the format used by ISMF for generating lists of data sets and volumes. The default is '**'
DSNTYP(OP dd1 dd2 dd3 dd4) Where 'OP' is EQ or NE; DS name type EXTENDED/HFS/LIBRARY/OTHERS
DSORG(OP DD1 DD2 ... DD8) Where 'OP' is EQ or NE, and 'DD1' through 'DD8' are the data set organizations
ENTRYTYP(OP DDD1 DDD2 ... DDD12) Where 'OP' is EQ or NE, and 'DDD1' through 'DDD12' are the entry types (for example, DEFERRED, AIX®, CLUSTER, and GDG)
EXPIREDT (OP1 dat1 BOOL OP2 dat2) Where 'OP1' and 'OP2' are EQ, GE, GT, LE, LT, or NE; 'dat1' and 'dat2' are dates in the yyyy/mm/dd format; BOOL is AND or OR
HSMDATA(Y|N) This specifies whether or not the user wants to use the ACQUIRE DATA FROM DFHSM option. The default is 'N'.
LASTBKUP (OP1 dat1 BOOL O2 dat2) Where 'OP1' and 'OP2' are EQ, GE, GT, LE, LT, or NE; 'dat1' and 'dat2' are dates in the yyyy/mm/dd format; BOOL is AND or OR
LASTREF (OP1 dat1 BOOL OP2 dat2) Where 'OP1' and 'OP2' are EQ, GE, GT, LE, LT, or NE; 'dat1' and 'dat2' are dates in the yyyy/mm/dd format; BOOL is AND or OR
LRECL(OP1 nnn1 BOOL OP2 nnn2) Where 'OP1' is EQ, GE, GT, LE, LT, or NE, and 'nnn1' is the lrecl specification; BOOL is AND or OR; OP2 has the same values as OP1, and 'nnn2' has the same values as nnn1
LISTTYP(I|E) Inclusive/Exclusive or I/E Inclusive: Display list by Inclusive criteria Exclusive: Display list by Enclusive criteria
MGMTCLS(OP nnnnnn1 ... Nnnnnn4) Where 'OP' is EQ or NE, and 'nnnnnn1'through 'nnnnnn4' are the management classes
MULTVOL (OP DD1 DD2 DD3 DD4) Where 'OP' is EQ or NE, and 'DD1' thru 'DD4' are either YES or NO if data set is multivolume
NOTUSED%(OP1 nn1 BOOL OP2 nnn2) Where 'OP1' is EQ, NE, GT, LE, and 'nn1' is the % of space not used; BOOL is AND or OR; OP2 has the same values as OP1; and 'nnn2' has the same values as nnn1
NUMEXT(OP1 nnn1 BOOL OP2 nnn2) Where 'OP1' is EQ, NE, GT, LE, and 'nnn1' is the extent specification; BOOL is AND or OR; OP2 has the same values as OP1; and 'nnn2' has the same values as nnn1
NUMSTRIPE (OP1 nnn1 BOOL OP2 nnn2) Where 'OP1' and 'OP2' are EQ, GE, GT, LE, LT, or NE; 'nnn1' and 'nnn2' are stripe number values; and BOOL is AND or OR
OPTIMAL (OP1 nnn1 BOOL OP2 nnn2) Where 'OP1' and 'OP2' are EQ, GE, GT, LE, LT, or NE; 'nnn1' and 'nnn2' are optimal blksize values; and BOOL is AND or OR.
OWNER (OP DD1 DD2 DD3 DD4) Where 'OP' is EQ or NE, and 'DD1' thru 'DD4' are owners of the the datasets.
QSAVE(nnnnnnnn) Where 'nnnnnn' is the query name to be created with all saved variables
QUERY(nnnnnnnn) Where 'nnnnnn' is the query name to be used for all the variables
REBLOCK(OP DDD1 DDD2 ... DDD3) Where 'OP' is EQ and and 'DDD1' through 'DDD3' are either YES or NO.
RECFMT(OP DDD1 DDD2 .. DDD8) Where 'OP' is EQ or NE, and 'DDD1' through 'DDD8' are the record formats. List built from the specified criteria.
SECALLOC (OP1 nnn1 BOOL OP2 nnn2) Where 'OP1' and 'OP2' are EQ, GE, GT, LE, LT, or NE; 'nnn1' and 'nnn2' are secondary allocation values; and BOOL is AND or OR.
SOURCEGL(1|2) Specifies whether the generated list comes from a saved list or is a new generated list. The default is '2'.

When generating a list from the VTOC (SOURCENL is 1), you must specify VTOCVSER. The following parameters will be ignored: CATNAME, CATVOL, VTOCDATA, and HSMDATA.

When generating a list from the catalog (SOURCENL is 2), use CATVOL to for the volume serial. Specify VTOCDATA and HSMDATA if needed. VTOCVSER is ignored.

SOURCENL(1|2) Specifies whether the generated list comes from 1 - VTOC , or 2 - Catalog. The default is '2'.
STORCLS(OP nnnnnn1 .. Nnnnnn4) Where 'OP' is EQ or NE, and 'nnnnnn1' through 'nnnnnn4' are the storage classes
STORGRP(OP nnnnnn1 .. Nnnnnn4) Where 'OP' is EQ or NE, and 'nnnnnn1' through 'nnnnnn4' are the storage groups
USEDSPC(OP1 nnn1 BOOL OP2 nnn2) Where 'OP1' is EQ, NE, GT, LE, and 'nnn1' is the amount of used space in KB; BOOL is AND or OR; OP2 has the same values as OP1, and 'nnn2' has the same values as nnn1
USERDATAREDUCT% (OP1 nnn1 BOOL OP2 nnn2) Where 'OP1' and 'OP2' are EQ, GE, GT, LE, LT, or NE; 'nnn1' and 'nnn2' are% of user data reduction; and BOOL is AND or OR
VTOCDATA(Y|N) Specifies whether the user desires the ACQUIRE DATA FROM VOLUME OPTION. The default is 'N'.
VTOCVSER(VVVVVV) Specifies the volsers whose VTOCs are to be searched. The user may specify from 1–6 alphanumeric characters and an asterisk for filtering.