Deleting or moving system-managed data sets from the storage group

If you plan to use the volumes for non-SMS allocations, you need to delete or move all system-managed data sets. The following procedure shows how to do this and how to remove the storage group from the SMS configuration:

  1. Set the storage group status to DISNEW to prevent any further new allocations to volumes defined to the storage group. As time passes, DFSMShsm space management processing clears most of the data sets off the volumes in the storage group you are deleting, provided AUTO MIGRATE is ‘Y’ and most of the data sets have an associated management class.


  2. Use DFSMSdss to move any remaining data sets that have lingered on the storage group volumes when the volumes are sufficiently empty.


  3. Build an SCDS to contain the new configuration. Remove the storage group definition from the SCDS and change the storage group ACS routine so that it does not select the deleted storage group.


  4. Activate the new configuration.

To declare volumes non-SMS-managed, you need to INIT them through ICKDSF to non-SMS or CONVERT them through DFSMSdss to non-SMS.

When you delete a VIO or dummy type storage group, you do not have to worry about redefining volumes to other storage groups, but you might need to modify the storage group ACS routine.