Providing remote authorization codes

The RAUTH line operator provides an easy way to acquire the remote access authorization codes for your IBM® 3990 Storage Control units:
Task Function Scope Action
Provide remote access codes RAUTH Volume Invokes a RAUTH display panel that shows the remote access authorization codes.
When you enter the RAUTH line operator from the Volume List panel, ISMF returns passwords on the RAUTH display panel.

Each password is valid for one hour. Once the password is displayed, ISMF does not display the password again. If you specify RAUTH again, ISMF returns new passwords.

Using these passwords, an off-site IBM Service Representative can log on to all models of the IBM 3990 Storage Control unit family (Models 1, 2, 3, and 6). The Service Representative can then provide help diagnosing and correcting problems.

You must have storage administrator authorization to use the RAUTH line operator. Because the standard support facilities of ISPF are available, for example, printing the screen, it is your responsibility to maintain the security of the passwords. Also, RACF® DASDVOL alter authority is required over the volume the request is made against. ISMF online help provides a description of each of the fields on the RAUTH display panel.