Submitting jobs

When you specify the SETCACHE line operator, ISMF takes you through the entry panels you need to complete given the functions you choose to perform. ISMF eventually asks you to specify whether the job is performed in the foreground or the background. In the foreground, ISMF uses the IDCAMS TSO SETCACHE support. ISMF subsequently redisplays updated versions of the entry panels with their new values after the job has executed. The list panels are not updated unless a REFRESH is done. For some functions, execution in foreground can occupy your TSO terminal for 20 minutes or more. In these cases, execution in the background is recommended.

When you specify that the SETCACHE job be performed in background, ISMF displays the IDCAMS Job Submission Entry panel. From this panel, you can submit the job or specify a data set where ISMF saves the job. The Job Submission Entry panel also optionally allows you to change the JCL that ISMF uses to run the job. At each level of the SETCACHE panels, the ISMF online help provides detailed descriptions for each of the fields.

Once ISMF takes you into the Setcache Entry panel, the online help provides detail descriptions for each of the fields.