Attributes for object or object backup storage group status

The devices associated with an object or object backup storage group have both physical (actual) and logical (system defined) connections to systems in the SMS complex. You are responsible for maintaining consistency between these two types of connections.

One of the following four relationships exists between each system in the SMS complex and the object or object backup storage group:
For object storage groups, SMS permits application access to the object storage hierarchy of this group. For object backup storage groups, SMS permits access to the volume set. All OSREQ functions are allowed.
For object or object backup storage groups, SMS permits restricted access to the object storage hierarchy. The OSREQ functions STORE, RETRIEVE, and DELETE are denied to applications. All object processing continues to be done for the storage group.
For object or object backup storage groups, SMS permits restricted access to the hierarchy. The OSREQ function STORE is denied to applications. All object processing continues to be done for the storage group.
The named system cannot process this object/object backup group. NOTCON is the default.

You can enable object and object backup storage groups to more than one system. If you are not in an OAMplex, OAM ignores object storage groups that are defined as being connected to more than one system and issues a message.