Generate data set report from DCOLLECT data: ACBQBAR7

ACBQBAR7 is called by SYS1.SACBCNTL member ACBJBARD to generate a flat file from DCOLLECT data taken from data set records and lists the fields of your choice, in the order you specify.

See Figure 1 for the sample JCL and parameters.

Use the following parameters on the SYSIN DDNAME statement when you run the ACBQBAR7 EXEC in batch. Each parameter must be on a separate line.

Parameters Description
ALLOCSP | ALLOCSPC Prints the data sets allocated space
BACKUP | BACKUPDT Prints the date of the last backup for data set.
BLKUNUSED Prints the number of unused blocks for the data set.
CHANGE | CHGIND Is the change indicator on for data set?
CREATE | CREATEDT Prints the data set's creation date.
DATACLAS | DC Prints the data class for the data set, if there is one.
DSNAME | DSN Prints the data set name.
DSNLENGTH=nn Limits print of data set name to nn characters. Defaults to 44 characters.
DSORG Prints the DSORG for data set.
ENTRYTYPE Prints the data set's entry type.
EXPIRE | EXPIREDT Prints the data set's expiration date.
LASTREF | LASTREFDT Prints the data set's last reference date.
LRECL Prints the data set's record length.
MGMTCLS Prints the management class for the data set, if there is one.
MULTVOL Is the data set multivolume?
NUMEXT | EXTNUM Prints the number of extents for data set.
PAGELENGTH=nn Sets the page length for the report (default is 60).
PDSE Is the data set a PDSE?
REBLOCK | REBLK Is the data set reblockable?
RECFM | RECFMT Prints the data set's record format.
SMS | MANAGED Is the data set SMS-managed?
STORCLAS | SC Prints the storage class for data set, if there is one.
STORGRP | SG Prints the storage group for data set, if there is one.
TITLE=xxx Prints a title for the report. Title does not need to be placed in parentheses or quotation marks, and cannot expand more than one record in length.
TOTALS Specifies whether you want DSN space totals printed for this DCOLLECT data.
USED% Prints the percentage of used space for the data set.
VOLSEQ Prints the volume sequence number for data set.
VOLSER Prints the volume serial of the data set.
VVRCHK | VVR If the data set is SMS-managed, does it have a valid VVR or NVR?