AOM trace table Abbreviations

Table 1 describes some of the abbreviations that are used to describe the data that is contained in the AOM trace table.

Table 1. AOM Trace Table Abbreviations
Abbreviation Description
AAQE AAQE address.
ABCO Abend code.
AECB Asynchronous attention queue element (AAQE) event control block.
AFLG Contents of AAQEFLG1.
AFGL Contents of AAQEFLG1.
ASID Address space identification.
CCOD Identifies the module that generated the trace entry. AOMIPCS translates CCOD to NAME when formatting trace table entries.
CECB Channel end/device end event control block.
CCWP Address of the channel program.
CPGM Channel program.
DAT1 Data determined by the type of operation.
DAT2 Continuation of data determined by the type of operation.
DEV Device identification.
DEVI Device identification number.
DSEB Address of the device service exit parameter list for sense subsystem status.
DSEF Address of the device service exit buffer for read configuration data.
DSEP Address of the device service exit parameter list for read device characteristics.
ECOD Event code. AOMIPCS translates ECOD to TRCn when formatting trace table entries. n is a hex number from 1 to A.
EFLG Footprint flags.
FLG1 Contents of SERVFLG1.
FLG2 Contents of AAQEFLG2.
FLG3 Contents of SERVFLG3.
FLGS Contents of SERVFLGS.
FRC Function return code.
FUNC AOMQMGR function code.
HEAD Address of the first trace table entry.
ICOD Input/Output Supervisor completion code.
IFLA Input/Output Supervisor flag byte A.
INDX Configuration table index.
IOSB Input/Output Supervisor control block address.
IOST Input/Output Supervisor status.
IOSS Input/Output Supervisor status.
IOSN First two bytes of sense information.
LEN Length of trace table entry.
LPUM Last path used mask.
NEXT Address of the next available trace table entry.
NEND End of the general section of the trace table entry.
MSG Asynchronous message-ID.
MSID Message identification.
PATH Path mask.
PTHM Path mask.
PTHI Channel path identification.
QUEL QUEL address.
RETP Return address.
REQT Request type.
RETC AOM Return code.
REAS AOM Reason code.
RSDP Read subsystem data address.
RSSD Read subsystem data.
RG00 Values in register 0.
RG01 Values in register 1.
RG13 Values in register 13.
RG14 Values in register 14.
RG15 Values in register 15.
RSD Read subsystem data address.
RSDD RSD data.
SSDP Address of the subsystem data area.
SSDL Length of the subsystem data area.
SSDN Needed length of the subsystem data area.
SENS Sense data.
SEQN Trace table sequence number.
SRVL Pointer to SERVL
SSID 3990 Subsystem identification number.
SRV1 SERVL used by AOMDRVR for the original asynchronous I/O request.
SRV2 SERVL used by AOMDTRM for the read subsystem data channel program.
TCB Task control block address.
TAIL Address of the last trace table entry.
TIME Asynchronous timeout value.
TKPT Caller's IOC system token pointer
TYPE Identifies the trace table entry type.
TRID Identifies where the trace was issued within the module. AOMIPCS translates TRID to EP and LOC when formatting trace table entries.
TOD Time of day.
UCBN Device number.
UCBP Unit control block address.
UCB Unit control block address.
UNIT Device number.
VNBR Identifies the format of the variable trace data.
VLEN Length of the following trace data.
VDAT Format-dependent information for each trace table entry.