DADSM dumps

DADSM calls CVAF to perform services on its behalf. If DADSM receives a nonzero return code from CVAF, DADSM module IGG032DB is called to produce a dump.

The dump title line is in the following format. See Figure 1 for a sample title line.
JOBNAME   DADSM  funct  ERROR    TCB=tcbaddr  W/A=workarea
Descriptions of the variables in this format follow:
Figure 1. Sample DADSM Dump Title Line

Examine the work area pointed to by workarea in the preceding example to locate the eye-catcher CVPL. The CVFCTN field (CVPL +X'06') and the CVSTAT field (CVPL + X'07') in the failure-related CVPL identify the failure-related CVAF function and CVAF status, respectively. For a description of function code values, see Table 1. For a description of the CVSTAT codes, see CVSTAT field codes.