Sharing a tape library among multiple systems

The ATLDS and the MTL may be shared among multiple systems and, in some cases, among multiple SMS complexes. In all cases, it is the responsibility of the installation to ensure that an individual library-resident tape drive not be allocated by two systems concurrently. This means that the tape drive can be online to only one SMS complex. In addition, if the SMS complex where the tape drive is online does not have JES3 or equivalent support for the sharing of tape drives, the tape drive can be online to only one system. To ensure that volumes intended for VM use are not made available to SMS, the installation should assign a recognizable volume serial number range to VM and a different range to SMS. The cartridge entry installation exit, through use of the ignore return code, prevents SMS from using the wrong set of volumes. See Figure 1 for an example of sharing a tape library among systems.

Figure 1. Sharing a Tape Library among multiple systems
Sharing a Tape Library among Multiple Systems
The ATLDS and the MTL can also be shared among multiple SMS complexes, provided the following restrictions are observed: