Library mount processing

If a tape volume is inadvertently ejected from a tape library between device allocation and library mount processing, the exit is invoked during library mount processing to let the installation reenter the volume. This exit is only invoked when the tape library fails a mount request because the tape volume is being ejected or cannot be found in the tape library. To prevent the CBR3646D message from being issued, the requested volume must be reentered into the tape library in which it was resident when the tape drive was allocated.

Table 1 lists the contents of the exit input when the volume record does not exist in the TCDB.

Table 1. CBRUXVNL input library mount processing—No TCDB volume record
Parameter Meaning
UXNVOLSR Volume serial number
UXNWHERE 3 indicates library mount processing
UXNERROR 1 indicates no volume record in the TCDB
UXNLIB Library name to which the volume must be re-entered (target)
UXNLDEV Library device type of the target library
UXNLCON Library console name of the target library
UXNLTYP Library logical type of the target library
UXNLDESC Library description of the target library

Table 2 lists the contents of the exit input when the volume record still exists in the TCDB.

Table 2. CBRUXVNL input library mount processing—Existing TCDB volume record
Parameter Meaning
UXNVOLSR Volume serial number
UXNWHERE 3 indicates library mount processing

4 indicates volume is being ejected
3 indicates volume is in a different library
2 indicates volume is shelf-resident

UXNLIB Library in which the volume must be re-entered (target)
UXNLDEV Library device type of the target library
UXNLCON Library console name of the target library
UXNLTYP Library logical type of the target library
UXNLDESC Library description of the target library
UXNLIBRS Library in which the volume currently resides (might not be the same library as the target resident library)
UXNGROUP Storage group name
UXNUSEA Volume use attribute
UXNWPROT Write protection status
UXNCHKPT Checkpoint volume indicator
UXNLOC Volume location code
UXNSHLOC Shelf location
UXNOWNER Volume owner information
UXNCREAT Volume record creation date
UXNENTEJ Last entry or ejection date
UXNMOUNT Last mounted date
UXNWRITE Last written date
UXNEXPIR Volume expiration date
UXNTDSI Tape device selection information