Entering tape volumes in the library using the installation exit

To enter tape volumes into the library under the direction of the exit, the following conditions must both be met:

When entering a volume into a tape library under the direction of CBRUXVNL, you must set the volume use attribute to PRIVATE; otherwise, the request fails. This is because only specific volume requests are handled by the exit and a specific volume request for a scratch tape is not permitted. Volume use attributes are set by default from the ISMF Library Definition or by the cartridge entry installation exit.

Perform the following steps when you enter a volume into a tape library:
Note: If the exit is waiting for an extended period for human intervention to finish processing, this causes delays for other jobs that may be processing at the same time or that may need the same resources as the job for which the exit is active. If the volume is not entered into the library within 15 minutes, CBR3646D is issued indicating that the operator should retry or cancel the job request.