OAM SMF record product section

Each OAM SMF record has a 112-byte OAM product section following the standard SMF record header. The OAM product section contains product identification information and common information to all OAM SMF record subtypes. If a field is not used for a particular subtype and the format of the field is shown as EBCDIC in the FORMAT column of the table describing the SMF record subtype, the field contains EBCDIC blanks. If a field is not used for a particular subtype and the format of the field is shown as binary in the FORMAT column of the table describing the SMF record subtype, the field contains binary zeros. Table 1 describes the format of the product section:

Table 1. Product section format for OAM SMF subtypes
Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 R85PCID 9 EBCDIC Component ID for OAM. For DFSMS, this field contains the characters ‘5695DF180’.
9 9 R85PVID 1 binary Version number for DFSMS.
10 A R85PRID 1 binary Release number for DFSMS.
11 B R85PMID 1 binary Modification level for DFSMS.
20 14 * 4 binary Reserved.
24 18 R85PCPUI 8 binary CPU ID as stored by S/390® Store CPU ID (STIDP) instruction.
32 20 R85PJOBN 8 EBCDIC Job name.
40 28 R85PSTPN 8 EBCDIC Step name.
48 30 R85PPRCN 8 EBCDIC Procedure name.
56 38 R85PPGMN 8 EBCDIC Contains the job step program name. The job step program name is the name of the program specified on the job control language (JCL) EXEC statement with the PGM= keyword.
64 40 R85USRID 8 EBCDIC User identification or blanks.
72 48 R85PTRXN 8 EBCDIC Contains the transaction name for subtypes 2-6. The transaction names are specified as follows. For all other subtypes, this field contains blanks.
The name of the CICS transaction that invoked the OSREQ macro.
The name of the IMS transaction that invoked the OSREQ macro.
This field contains blanks, if the OSREQ macro was invoked from any other environment.
80 50 R85PSTRT 8 binary Starting time of the function in 8-byte STCK format.
88 58 R85PENDT 8 binary Ending time of the function in 8-byte STCK format.
96 60 R85PRESP 4 binary Elapsed time of the function in milliseconds (.001 second units).
100 64 * 12 binary Reserved.