Not available completion

Figure 1 shows an example of the messages provided for "not available" completion of the Move Volume utility where the utility processing is not complete due to contention, errors, and so on, and has not been able to determine the number of objects to be moved.

Figure 1. Example of Messages Returned after a Not Available Completion

 CBR1000I OAM S command execution scheduled.
 CBR9850I Move Volume utility starting for volume
 CBR9089I No storage groups defined in the active
 CBR9856I Move Volume utility stopping for volume
 CBR9857I Move Volume utility status for volume BACK01
          is not available.
CBR9859I Move Volume utility ending for volumes BACK01
and N/A. 

In this example, the utility cannot determine how many objects needed to be moved due to an error condition.

Message CBR9858I is not issued when message CBR9857I indicates that the status is "not available" since there are no statistics that can be reported.