Limited completion

Figure 1 shows an example of the messages provided for "limited" completion of the Move Volume utility where the utility processing was not complete due to contention, errors, and so on.

Figure 1. Example of Messages Returned after a Limited Completion

 CBR1000I OAM S command execution scheduled.
 CBR9850I Move Volume utility starting for volume
 CBR9852I Move Volume utility processing objects in
          storage group GROUP00 for volume BACK01.
 CBR9852I Move Volume utility processing objects in
          storage group GROUP01 for volume BACK01.
 CBR9855I Move Volume utility processing limited for
          volume BACK01.
          Less objects than expected were found in
          collection GROUP01.A.
 CBR9857I Move Volume utility status for volume BACK01
          is limited.
 CBR9858I Move Volume utility status for volume BACK01.
          Total: 2, Attempted: 1, Successful: 0,
          Unsuccessful: 0.
 CBR9859I Move Volume utility ending for volumes BACK01 and N/A.

In this example, two objects are identified on the backup source volume but only one object was moved. Because the utility cannot successfully complete due to a discrepancy in the number of objects in a collection being processed, the system cannot determine whether the one object that was attempted to be moved was successfully moved or not.

"Successful" and "Unsuccessful" counts are always zero when message CBR9857I indicates that the status is "limited".