Normal completion

Figure 1 shows an example of the messages when the Move Volume utility completes normally.
Figure 1. Example of Messages Returned after a Normal Completion of MOVEVOL
CBR1000I OAM S command execution scheduled.                             
CBR9850I Move Volume Utility starting for volume WG360A.                
CBR9852I Move Volume Utility processing objects in storage group GROUP22
 for volume WG360A.   
CBR4401I Volume WG360B mounted on drive P9D2.                   
CBR9858I Move Volume Utility status for volume WG360A. Total: 5,
Attempted: 5, Successful: 5, Unsuccessful: 0.
CBR9859I Move Volume Utility ending for volumes WG360A and N/A.        
In this example, five objects were identified on the backup source volume and all five objects were successfully moved.
  1. 1 to n CBR9852I messages are issued (one for each Object storage group processed).
  2. "Successful" and "Unsuccessful" counts always add up to the "Attempted" count on a normal completion.